What is the initiation ceremony for Masons?

Masonic initiation rites include the reenactment of a scene set on the Temple Mount while it was under construction. Every Masonic lodge, therefore, is symbolically the Temple for the duration of the degree and possesses ritual objects representing the architecture of the Temple.

How long is the Mason process?

How long does it take to become a Freemason? It usually takes a couple months to join as an apprentice. You can expect to wait at least 45 days before hearing whether you’ve been accepted. In practice, depending on how busy the lodge is and its exact rules, it’s not unusual to wait 3 or 4 months, or even longer.

What does it mean when a Mason gives you a coin?

The coin you described (and drew very accurately in your letter) is a Mark penny from the Royal Arch Masons (R.A.M.). The penny is given to a candidate upon the receiving the Mark Master degree, which is the first degree of Royal Arch Masonry, according to the Masonic Lodge of Education website.

What is Masonic etiquette?

Masonic Etiquette “something that is not to be left to an individual to see or to carry out according to his own taste; he conforms to it because it was formally adopted as a conventional requirement for acceptable behavior (whether he sees a good reason for doing so or not)”.

What are the benefits of being a Mason?

When you become a Freemason, you begin your journey toward being a better man. You will build rich, meaningful relationships with your Brothers, commit to the service of those around you, and strive for a deeper, more honest connection with yourself and others. It’s a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Can a woman become a Mason?

As a general rule, the admission of women is now recognised in Continental (Grand Orient) jurisdictions. In Anglo-American Freemasonry, neither mixed nor all-female lodges are officially recognised, although unofficial relations can be cordial, with premises sometimes shared.

What does Htwsstks mean?

Hiram Tyrian Widow’s Son Sent to King Solomon
Very often you will see the acronym “HTWSSTKS” in Masonic jewelry, which stands for “Hiram Tyrian Widow’s Son Sent to King Solomon.” This refers to the Legend of Hiram Abif, an important allegory in Masonic teachings.

What are Masonic coins made of?

In 1794, Brother James Sketchley from the Grand Lodge of England minted the first and only masonic currency. It took the form of a 28mm copper coin and was accepted as currency throughout the entire british empire, which at the time was most of the world.

How did the Grand Lodge of Masons start?

At this meeting was General Washington and most of his staff who were Masons. General Mordecai Gist was in the East and presented a petition calling for the formation of a General Grand Lodge for all the United States. It was agreed and was copied and dispatched to all the other known lodges in the Colonies.

When was the National masonic congress held in Washington DC?

On this date in 1822, a national Masonic Congress was held in Washington DC, in the U.S. Capitol building March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16

What time does the Brookside Lodge open for the graduation ceremony?

Coffee and donuts at 8:00 a.m. Lodge opens at 9:00 a.m. Brookside #720 will be conferring the degree at New Palestine #404, located at 28 East Main St in New Palestine. Support and help in conferring the degree is welcomed.