What is another word for troubled?

What is another word for troubled?

anxious upset
worried concerned
perturbed uneasy
bothered disturbed
disconcerted distressed

What does it mean to be emotionally troubled?

Emotional distress is a state of mental anguish that can take a wide variety of forms. It may result from a mental health issue or particular circumstances, such as relationship difficulties or financial strain.

What means of deeply?

adverb. at or to a considerable extent downward; well within or beneath a surface. to a thorough extent or profound degree: deeply pained; deeply committed. with depth of color, tone, sound, etc. with great cunning, skill, and subtlety.

What does troubled life mean?

a troubled place, time, or situation is affected by many problems. The book details his troubled life. Synonyms and related words. In a difficult situation.

What is another word for big trouble?

What is another word for big trouble?

sorrow affliction
tribulation adversity
difficulty hardship
misery misfortune
ordeal problem

What is another word for getting in trouble?

What is another word for get into trouble?

get hell be scolded
get a rap over the knuckles get a slap on the wrist
be reprimanded catch hell
be for the high jump be for it
get it cop it

How can you tell if someone is emotionally damaged?

Traits of an emotionally broken man

  1. Hates everything they can’t have.
  2. Everyone else is always wrong.
  3. Give back what they have gotten.
  4. Been told that they are toxic and need help.
  5. He still lives in his past.
  6. Withholds investing in the present relationship.
  7. Epic and seamless mood swings.

What is another word for deeply?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for deeply, like: strongly, genuinely, intensely, little, profoundly, emotionally, touchingly, very, painfully, passionately and deep.

What is a troubled man?

n. 1 a state or condition of mental distress or anxiety. 2 a state or condition of disorder or unrest. industrial trouble. 3 a condition of disease, pain, or malfunctioning.

What is a troubled relationship?

Gottman’s research has concluded that four signs are evident to troubled relationships – Harsh Start-Up, Flooding, Body Language, and the Four Horseman. Harsh start-up is how one approaches his or her partner with a problem, which may involve sarcasm, negativity or accusatory language.