What is needed for Illinois state ID?

To get an Illinois state ID, you will need to gather documents like your Social Security card, a proof of residence, and your birth certificate and bring them to your nearest Driver Services office or Secretary of State facility . You will then need to pay the required fee, based on your age and residence status.

How do you spot a fake ID in Illinois?

Fake IDs

  1. Check the card’s rigidity. A fake ID will often have different weight and/or thickness of a real ID.
  2. Check the card’s edges. Almost all IDs have rounded edges around the entire ID.
  3. Check and feel the front and back of the ID. Feel for bumps, ridges and irregularities.
  4. Check the IDs corners.

Can you smile in Illinois ID?

You can have a bit of a smile on your face so you do not look grumpy, but don’t flash a big, toothy grin. It isn’t necessary, and you will be asked to pose again to have another photo taken. It is best to simply wear a friendly expression, the same one you would be wearing if you were pulled over.

How can you tell a fake ID from a real one?

Think You Know How to Spot a Fake ID?

  1. Ragged edges or square edges.
  2. The ID holder’s hair color is different than the photo.
  3. Bumps on laminated IDs.
  4. Air pockets on laminated IDs.
  5. The ID holder is a different weight than pictured on the ID.
  6. There are misspellings.
  7. The ID is peeling.

What happens if you get caught with a fake ID in Illinois?

An individual who is convicted of possessing a false driver’s license or ID is subject to one year suspension of driving privileges, a minimum $500 fine or 50 hours of community service and up to three years in prison. Unlawful possession or use of a fake ID is prosecutable as a Class A misdemeanor for a first offense.

How can you tell a fake ID from a flashlight?

Most state IDs have laser perforation where the laser makes tiny holes to form an image. Usually, the image is of the state it’s from. You can only see the image if you hold it up to a light. So when you hold up a flashlight to the card and the laser perforation doesn’t show up, it’s a fake.

What states are best for fake IDs?

Let’s see what the states for fake ID are:

  1. Maine. The template for ID in Maine remained the same for almost eight years.
  2. Indiana. Next, we have Indiana.
  3. Iowa. Iowa is one of the best choices for fake IDs because of its simple design.
  4. Georgia.
  5. Connecticut.