Does reputation matter in Watch Dogs?

With a low reputation, NPC’s will sometimes recognize you and call the police. With a higher rep, they’ll still sometimes recognize you but they don’t do anything game-altering. The comments they make are different.

How does reputation work in Watch Dogs?

Reputation points are awarded based on how certain tasks are completed. More points are awarded for more skillful tasks. Completing “good deeds” that help civilians and hinder criminals will cause the reputation meter to fill towards the right with a blue fill.

Is Aiden Pearce a criminal?

As a young adult, Aiden became a member of a criminal gang. He purchased lessons in hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship and weapons all of which contributed towards his career as a thief. He also operated as a fixer which provided him deep insight of the criminal underworld.

How tall is Aiden Pearce?

around 6 ft 2 in
Appearance. Aiden is an adult male with green eyes, brown mid-length hair, and light facial hair. While having his mugshot taken, it is shown that he is around 6 ft 2 in and appears to be of mesomorphic build.

Are there cheats for watch dogs?

Completing Investigations in Watch Dogs will earn you some new Vehicles and Weapons….Investigation Rewards.

Collect 16 QR codes. Gangster
Collect & hack 10 Human Trafficking Briefcases. Magnate LE
Locate 9 of the Weapons Trade shipping crates. Spec-Ops Goblin
Collect 7 burner phones. Vespid LE

How do I become Aiden Pearce?

Aiden Pearce will appear as a recruitable character once you’ve installed the Bloodline DLC. Like the first DLC character. Aiden Pearce appears standing outside the DedSec HQ, and all you need to do is go up to him and talk to him to recruit him.

Can you fly a plane in Watch Dogs?

« Players will not fly aircrafts in Watch Dogs, » Guay told the « We did not feel it was core to the experience we wanted to create. » He elaborated that players will have access to and operate wheeled vehicles, such as trucks, motorcycles, as well as a range of boats.

How do you get Defalt mask?

If you need specifics, you’ll find a DJ dance party down here with mannequins being placed all over. Head up to the DJ booth and once you’re there, you’ll find the mask under the desk. After that, the Defalt mask will be available inside any Watch Dogs: Legion clothing store or wardrobe for you’re to equip.