Does Sims 3 World Adventures come with a new town?

Seasons has no additional neighborhood. World Adventures has three destinations your Sim can visit – use the phone and plan a vacation to travel to these places.

What Sims 3 career makes the most money?

Profit. If profit and earnings is what the players are really looking for, the simple answer is the Medical career. The top of Medical career (World Renowned Surgeon) has the highest earnings per week, while Military (Astronaut) has the lowest earnings per week, as Sims only work once per week.

How do you get more opportunities on Sims 3?

Every opportunity received from phone calls, at work, or from job boards has a weighted chance. When a Sim, for example, receives a random opportunity phone call, the weighted chance determines which opportunity will be received. The higher the weighted chance is, the more likely an opportunity is selected.

What comes with World Adventures sims3?

Following the lead of other vacation expansions for The Sims, World Adventures lets you cut loose and enjoy three brand new locations. Egypt, China, and France are awaiting your arrival, and each country has a new set of skills for your Sims to learn.

Which Sims 3 Town is the best?

Best Sims 3 Worlds & Towns To Live In (From All Expansion Packs)

  • Roaring Heights. Roaring Heights takes the first spot on my list because it’s the most beautiful yet complex city in the Sims 3 game.
  • Sunlit Tides. …
  • Isla Paradiso. …
  • Lucky Palms. …
  • Dragon Valley. …
  • Hidden Springs. …
  • Starlight Shores. …
  • Riverview. …

How much space does the Sims 3 take up with all expansions?

Re: How much storage will you need to download the sims 3 In terms of the storage you’d need, the Sims 3 base game plus 9 EPs would take up somewhere between 25 and 30 GB of storage, depending on which expansions you installed. However, I wouldn’t want to install the game on a drive smaller than 256 GB total.

What is the cheat to get a promotion on Sims 3?

Cheat for Ambitions Profession Experience You can click and drag the Ambitions profession experience bars with testingcheatsenabled true. This doesn’t work for regular careers. Rather, you’d shift-click the mailbox and select a career track/specific job to get promoted quickly.