Are YouTube comment likes fake?

YouTube doesn’t allow anything that artificially increases the number of views, likes, comments, or other metrics either by using automatic systems or serving up videos to unsuspecting viewers. Also, content that solely exists to incentivize viewers for engagement (views, likes, comments, etc) is prohibited.

What happens when you write a comment on YouTube?

If you don’t have a YouTube channel, by posting a comment you’ll automatically create a channel. You can access and manage your channel by going to your profile picture after posting your comment. Click REPLY beneath a comment. Type in your comment.

Is commenting on YouTube safe?

There is no way to see who liked your YouTube comment, and likewise there is no way to see who gave you a downvote. YouTube keeps these comment likes or dislikes private for the safety and security of users, but it’s likely a safe bet anyone who left a positive comment on your comment also liked it.

Does replying to comments on YouTube help the algorithm?

Visibility. An additional benefit to answering your YouTube comments is that this continued conversation leads to increased visibility in YouTube and Google search results. The more comments and interaction one of your videos has, the more value YouTube’s & Google’s search algorithm places on it for certain searches.

Can YouTube detect fake subscribers?

You can check whether an apparently successful YouTube channel is genuine, or whether it has built its subscriber base using less ethical practices. Enter any YouTube channel’s handle into the YouTube Bot Analytics Tool [YouTube Audit – Fake Subscriber & Audience Credibility Checker].

Can a Youtuber see who subscribed?

Creators with the most subscribers appear at the top of the list. But you can click the Date Subscribed or Subscriber Count tabs to filter the list as you please. Read More: How to Find Your First YouTube Subscriber – Ever!

How do I delete a YouTube comment?

  1. Go to Comment History.
  2. Click or tap the video link.
  3. Next to the comment in YouTube, select More .
  4. Select Edit or Delete .

Why is YouTube deleting my comments?

With over 500 hours of videos uploaded on YouTube every minute, moderation in each of their comment sections is heavily automated. YouTube’s algorithms are programmed to identify and delete comments that violate the platform’s community guidelines.

Can you make money on YouTube anonymously?

The problem is, it seems like being anonymous is impossible in this scenario. For YT to pay you via monetization of videos, they would need your real name, CC info, billing address, etc.

Why do big Youtubers not respond to comments?

This is because the youtube comment page gets overwhelmed with excessive amount’s of comments. This is why they do no reply to any comment. Even if they do reply to one, other people may feel it is unfair as their comment has not yet gotten a reply.

Does replying to comments on YouTube boost engagement?

With video advertising such as in-stream ads, you don’t want them to engage other than clicking on your video and going to your website. But if your goal is building trust with your audience, you’re better off building the kind of content that will invoke a response in the way of a comment in your videos.