What does O abbreviation stand for?

O. The symbol for oxygen.

What you mean by pharmaceutical?

Definition of pharmaceutical (Entry 1 of 2) : of, relating to, or engaged in pharmacy or the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals a pharmaceutical company. pharmaceutical. noun.

Is O medical abbreviation?

List of medical abbreviations: O

Abbreviation Meaning
Oint ointment
OM otitis media
om every morning (from Latin omni mane). Generally written in lowercase.
OME otitis media with effusion (fluid in the inner ear without other symptoms)

What is the abbreviation for pharmaceuticals?

Abbreviation for Pharmaceutical:

7 Pharma Pharmaceutical Business
3 Pharmaceut. pharmaceutical Literature
2 Pharm Pharmaceutical + 1 variant Polish Chemical Reagent,
2 P p harm . Pharmaceutical
1 PHRM Pharmaceutical

What does O in texting mean?

“Waving” is the most common definition for \O on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. \O.

What does O mean in a sentence?

(ə ) preposition. O’ is used in written English to represent the word ‘of’ pronounced without the ‘ f. ‘ [informal]

What is an example of pharmaceutical?

The definition of pharmaceutical is something related to prescription drugs or pharmacies. An example of a pharmaceutical drug is Prozac. (medicine) Of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists.

What does Later O mean in medical terms?

Combining form meaning lateral, to one side. [L. lateralis, lateral, fr. latus, side]

What does Aur O mean in medical terms?

aur- , auro- [L. auris, ear] Prefixes meaning ear.

Whats the meaning of BD?

twice a day —used in writing prescriptions.