How do I share a Maven project?

You should refactor your projects.

  1. Identify the common code.
  2. Extract that into its own maven module. 2.1.
  3. Build and install the jar file into your repository.
  4. change the poms of the web-apps to depend on your new library.

How do I create an executable jar of Maven project?

Now we can start using the various solutions.

  1. 2.1. Manual Configuration. Let’s start with a manual approach with the help of the maven-dependency-plugin.
  2. 2.2. Apache Maven Assembly Plugin.
  3. 2.3. Apache Maven Shade Plugin.
  4. 2.4. One Jar Maven Plugin.
  5. 2.5. Spring Boot Maven Plugin.
  6. 2.6. Web Application With Executable Tomcat.

What does mvn Exec do?

mvn exec:java is a goal from the exec plugin for maven. It lets you specify a main class to execute (see pom. xml). This lets you avoid having to figure out the proper java command to run and classpath arguments and the like.

What is the Maven command to build the project?

To build a Maven project via the command line, you use the mvn command from the command line. The command must be executed in the directory which contains the relevant pom file. You pass the build life cycle, phase or goal as parameter to this command.

How do I import a Maven project into another?

Right-click the utility project, and select Maven>Add Dependency. Type a dependency name in the Enter groupID… field (e.g., commons-logging) to search for a dependency. Select the dependency, and click OK.

What is executable JAR file?

A Java Archive, or JAR file, contains all of the various components that make up a self-contained, executable Java application, deployable Java applet or, most commonly, a Java library to which any Java Runtime Environment can link.

How do I run mvn exec?

Exec Maven Plugin – Running Java Programs from Maven Build

  1. Step 1: Adding exec-maven-plugin Configurations to pom. xml. If you want to use any maven plugin, you need to configure it in the pom.
  2. Step 2: Running the maven build with exec:java goal. Here is the output when we run the maven build with the exec:java goal.

Where do I put build in POM XML?

Sr.No. They execute during the build process and should be configured in the element of pom. xml….Plugin Types.

Sr.No. Plugin & Description
5 war Builds a WAR file from the current project.
6 javadoc Generates Javadoc for the project.
7 antrun Runs a set of ant tasks from any phase mentioned of the build.

What is mvn compile?

mvn compile: Compiles source code of the project. mvn test-compile: Compiles the test source code. mvn test: Runs tests for the project. mvn package: Creates JAR or WAR file for the project to convert it into a distributable format. mvn install: Deploys the packaged JAR/ WAR file to the local repository.

What are Maven commands?

Maven Commands

  • mvn clean. This command cleans the maven project by deleting the target directory.
  • mvn compiler:compile. This command compiles the java source classes of the maven project.
  • mvn compiler:testCompile.
  • mvn package.
  • mvn install.
  • mvn deploy.
  • mvn validate.
  • mvn dependency:tree.