What is the purpose of a stained glass window in a church?

Stained glass windows were used in churches to enhance their beauty and to inform the viewer through narrative or symbolism. The subject matter was generally religious in churches, though “portraits” and heraldry were often included, and many narrative scenes give valuable insights into the medieval world.

What does stained glass symbolism?

The Meaning Of Stained Glass Colors On Stained Glass Green: Is the color of grass and nature and therefore represents growth and rebirth, life over death. Violet: A bold color symbolizing love, truth, passion, and suffering. White: Is a representation of chastity, innocence, and purity is often associated with God.

Why were biblical stories told in the stained glass windows of churches?

To further communicate the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, Biblical scenes created by artists were put into stained glass windows so that even the poorest of the poor could “see” the Gospel in action.

What are the windows in a Catholic church called?

Clerestory (pronounced “clear-story”) windows are a type of window popularized in churches and cathedral during the Romanesque period. They generally run along the top of the nave, or central approach to the altar, and provide abundant interior light in areas that would otherwise be very dim.

When did stained glass windows start in churches?

Evidence of stained-glass windows in churches and monasteries in Britain can be found as early as the 7th century. The earliest known reference dates from 675 AD when Benedict Biscop imported workmen from France to glaze the windows of the monastery of St Peter which he was building at Monkwearmouth.

Why is stained glass important in Christianity?

Basically, stained glass windows developed as a theologically important art form– a way to convey to the masses things the church wanted them to see, think about, and understand, including Christ’s death on the cross, His resurrection and then some.

Why do Catholic churches have statues?

Churches often have statues of Mary and some saints. Catholics do not worship Mary or the saints, but ask them to pray to God on their behalf. This is known as intercession. Statues can also help to focus a person’s mind on an aspect of prayer or worship.

How did stained glass windows first become part of church history?

Stained glass gained recognition as a Christian art form sometime in the fourth century as Christians began to build churches. The spread of Christianity throughout Europe is directly related to the expansion of stained glass across the globe and made stained glass the dominant art form of the new millennium.

Why is stained glass important in cathedrals?

What is the meaning of the rose window?

Rose window is often used as a generic term applied to a circular window, but is especially used for those found in Gothic cathedrals and churches. The windows are divided into segments by stone mullions and tracery.