What can I do with lots of strawberries?

Here are five of my favorite ways to eat up overripe strawberries.

  1. Strawberry Butter. I first had strawberry butter served with warm-from-the-oven popovers, and I’ve never forgotten that experience.
  2. Blender Drinks.
  3. Jam.
  4. Cocktails and Sangria.
  5. Frozen Desserts.

How do you make strawberry Christmas Santas?

How to Make Strawberry Santas with Cheesecake Filling

  1. Beat the cream cheese until fluffy.
  2. Gradually beat in the powdered sugar.
  3. Cut the stem off each strawberry.
  4. Cut 1/4 off the top of each strawberry to create a smaller cone for Santa’s hat.
  5. Add cream cheese mixture to a piping bag with a round tip.

How do you make a strawberry snowman?


  1. Slice the tops off the strawberries to create a flat surface for them to sit on.
  2. Squeeze some frosting or whipped cream on the strawberry, and replace the tip.
  3. Decorate the rest with a piping bag.
  4. Add the mini chocolate chips for eyes.
  5. Strawberry santas are mischievous, and tend to disappear quickly!
  6. Enjoy!

Can fresh strawberries be frozen for later use?

Strawberries can be frozen whole, sliced or crushed, and with or without sugar. For whole, unsweetened berries, first freeze in a single layer on a baking sheet. Doing so will keep them from getting stuck together later on. Once they’re solid, place in freezer containers or bags.

What do you do with strawberries in the winter?

To winterize strawberry plants, heap a loose mulch over plants to a depth of 3 to 5 inches. Use a material that won’t compact heavily. Good choices include straw, clean hay, bark chips, chopped cornstalks or cobs, evergreen branches or pine straw.

How do you defrost strawberries without making them soggy?

Prevent a mushy mess by freezing berries on a baking sheet in a single layer first. The exposure to the cold freezes them quickly. This prevents the formation of large ice crystals, which destroys cell walls and makes berries lose their structure and become soft when they thaw.

How do you freeze strawberries without them getting mushy?

Place your strawberries on a parchment-lined baking sheeting, then put them in the freezer for at least two hours, or until they are frozen solid. This will keep your berries from sticking together when you store them. Finally, store them in your freezer together.