Is JDBC multithreaded?

The Oracle JDBC drivers provide full support for programs that use Java multithreading. The following example creates a specified number of threads and lets you determine whether or not the threads will share a connection.

Is it possible to connect to multiple databases simultaneously in Java?

Connection mysqlCon = DriverManager. getConnection(mysqlUrl, “root”, “password”); To connect to multiple databases in a single JDBC program you need to connect to the two (or more) databases simultaneously using the above steps.

Can multiple threads use the same DB connection?

However if you want multiple threads to be able to use a database at the same time, you will need multiple connections, etiher one connection per thread or use a connection pool if you don’t know you have a small number of threads.

Can Java be connect to database?

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is the Java API that manages connecting to a database, issuing queries and commands, and handling result sets obtained from the database. Released as part of JDK 1.1 in 1997, JDBC was one of the earliest libraries developed for the Java language.

Is database connection thread-safe?

Connection interface and is not thread-safe, according to its Javadoc: SQLServerConnection is not thread-safe, however multiple statements created from a single connection can be processing simultaneously in concurrent threads.

Is Connection object thread-safe?

5 Answers. Show activity on this post. If the JDBC driver is spec-compliant, then technically yes, the object is thread-safe, but you should avoid sharing connections between threads, since the activity on the connection will mean that only one thread will be able to do anything at a time.

Is it possible to connect to multiple databases?

Being able to connect to multiple database instances simultaneously offers many benefits, from being able to query multiple instances using the same SELECT statement, to easier migration. In fact, we explored How to Query across Multiple Databases in the previous tip.

Can we connect two databases at a time in spring boot?

Spring boot allows you to connect to multiple databases by configuring multiple data sources in a single spring boot application using hibernate and JPA. Spring boot enables repositories to connect to multiple databases using JPA from a single application.

Is Java sql Date thread-safe?

sql objects be multi-thread safe and able to cope correctly with having several threads simultaneously calling the same object.”