What does QS stand for in chemistry?

Latin. quantum satis (as much as is enough). This term is used when bringing up a volumn or weight to the final measurement. Example: “Then q.s. to 2 liters”.

What does QS 100ml mean?

June 2020 edited June 2020. A lot of people use QS for the volume of water, myself included. So if I write QS where the water is on the formula sheet, that means that I brought the final volume back up to 100% (because water evaporates off while batching). This is the same as “up to 100%” but much shorter to write.

What is the meaning of the abbreviation QS ad?

quantity sufficient to make
Abbreviation for quantity sufficient to make.

What does QS mean in manufacturing?

Quantum satis
QS is an abbreviation for Quantum satis and simply means ‘Add as much of this ingredient as is needed to achieve the desired result, but not more. ‘ It is a term used in pharmaceuticals and food manufacture mainly, but you may have come across it in sample formulations given by a supplier.

What does QS mean in oil?

QS is an abbreviation for Quantum satis and simply means ‘Add as much of this ingredient as is needed to achieve the desired result, but not more. ‘

What does voiding QS mean?

voiding quantity sufficient
As nurses, we typically use abbreviations to speed documentation. But does the reader get our intended message? Ask three nurses what “pt voided qs” means. One might tell you “voiding quantity sufficient” and another one might say “voiding every shift.” Try this abbreviation: MSO4.

What is QNS in medical terms?

QNS is the abbreviation used for “Quantity Not Sufficient”. Laboratory specimens are reported as QNS when: • There is not enough specimen for the laboratory to perform the requested test(s). • The amount of blood collected into the tube does not meet the proper blood: anticoagulant ratio.

What does QS stand for in economics?

In economics, quantity supplied describes the number of goods or services that suppliers will produce and sell at a given market price. The quantity supplied differs from the actual amount of supply (i.e., the total supply) as price changes influence how much supply producers actually put on the market.

What is QS in manufacturing?

QS is an abbreviation for Quantum satis and simply means ‘Add as much of this ingredient as is needed to achieve the desired result, but not more. ‘ It is a term used in pharmaceuticals and food manufacture mainly, but you may have come across it in sample formulations given by a supplier.

What does QS mean in prescription order?

Abbrev. for quantum sufficit , or quantum satis , meaning a sufficient quantity. This abbreviation was often used in prescription writing.

What is QNS stand for?

Quantity Not Sufficient
QNS is the abbreviation for Quantity Not Sufficient or Quality Not Sufficient.

What does QN on a lab report mean?

QNS is the abbreviation for Quantity Not Sufficient or Quality Not Sufficient. When referring to molecular testing, i.e. nucleic acid or DNA based tests; a final result of QNS is given when the laboratory cannot amplify the submitted sample acceptably.