Does RealVNC work with Ubuntu?

RealVNC VNC Viewer is not available in the official package repository of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. So, you will have to download it from the official website of RealVNC and install it on your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux distribution. First, visit the official download page of RealVNC VNC Viewer from your favorite web browser.

How do I set up RealVNC on Ubuntu?

Install RealVNC Server on Ubuntu 20.04 for Remote Access

  1. Step 1: Install RealVNC Server on our Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Let’s navigate to our terminal.
  2. Step 2: Signup for a Free RealVNC Team’s Account. Signup for a free RealVNC Team’s Account.
  3. Step 3: Install RealVNC Viewer.

Why is VNC not accepting connections?

The remote computer’s antivirus software or firewall is blocking your connection attempt. On the remote computer, ensure antivirus software lists VNC Server as an exception, and the firewall is configured to allow access on VNC Server’s listening port (5900 by default).

How do I run VNC viewer on Ubuntu?

How to Use VNC Viewer in Ubuntu

  1. Open a terminal window. The terminal will be found under “Applications” and “Accessories (GNOME)” or “Start” and “Utilities (KDE).”
  2. Install vncviewer. sudo apt-get install vncviewer.
  3. Type the command: vncviewer hostname:number.
  4. Enter the password for the vncserver.
  5. Use the remote desktop.

How do I enable VNC connection?

Allow VNC through Windows Defender firewall

  1. Click “Advanced Settings”
  2. Right-click “Inbound Rules” > New Rule.
  3. Select Rule Type – Ports, click “Next”
  4. Port type: TCP, 5900 – 5901, click “Next”
  5. Allow connection, click “Next”
  6. Allow for networks Domain, Private not Public.
  7. Service name “VNC”, click Finish.

Which VNC server is best for Ubuntu?

  1. TigerVNC. TigerVNC is a free, open-source, high-performance, platform-neutral VNC implementation.
  2. RealVNC. RealVNC offers cross-platform, simple, and secure remote access software.
  3. TeamViewer.
  4. Remmina.
  5. NoMachine.
  6. Apache Guacamole.
  7. XRDP.
  8. FreeNX.