Is Bunker Hill Community College a good school?

Bunker Hill is by far the best community college in the greater Boston area! It has more course selections and facilities than all other community colleges in the city. The student body is very diverse, especially in age and lifestyle. You meet lots of people who are on completely different paths.

Is Bunker Hill Community College accredited?

Founded in 1973, BHCC is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. This public higher education institution offers more than 100 programs leading to Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees and Certificate programs.

Is Bunker Hill Community College Safe?

Bunker Hill Community College reported 22 incidents related to crime and safety in 2019. These student-involved incidents took place at or near campus or on other properties affiliated with the school. Since the number of students at the school that year was 11,352, that’s 1.94 incidents per 1,000 students.

What is Bunker Hill Community College known for?

Internationally recognized for the development of individualized and alternative methods of instruction, BHCC is a leader in learning communities and distance learning technologies that enhance and strengthen the learning environment.

Is Bunker Hill Community College a HBCU?

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) is a public community college with multiple campuses in the Greater Boston area….Bunker Hill Community College.

The main entrance to Bunker Hill Community College (The “B” building)
Other name BHCC
Students 13,324

What organizations accredit or approve the Bhcc nurse education program?

Welcome to Boston’s best Community College! The Associate Degree Registered Nursing Program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) and approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing.

How much is Bunker Hill Community College?

In-state tuition 5,160 USD, Out-of-state tuition 10,104 USD (2019 – 20)Bunker Hill Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How many students are at Bhcc?

13,324 (2016)Bunker Hill Community College / Total enrollment

Does Bunker Hill offer online classes?

Distance Education at Bunker Hill Community College Our WEB courses are fully online courses – they do not meet on campus at any time. Our REMOTE courses often use video conferencing and range from some on campus class sessions to fully virtual options.