What is CICS on mainframe?

CICS (Customer Information Control System) is middleware that sits between the z/OS IBM mainframe operating system and business applications. As an online transaction processing (OLTP) system, it is used to build customer transaction application programs.

How do I run a CICS program in mainframe?

CICS Program

  1. Login to Mainframes and open a TSO Session.
  2. Create a new PDS in which we will be coding our program.
  3. Create a new member inside the PDS and code the following program −
  4. After coding the program, we need to compile it.
  5. Open a CICS session.
  6. We will now install the program using the following command −

What is IBM CICS used for?

CICS provides services for running an application online, by request, at the same time as many other users are submitting requests to run the same applications, using the same files and programs. CICS manages the sharing of resources, the integrity of data and prioritization of execution, with fast response.

Is CICS still being used?

CICS can process an enormous amount of work in a very short period of time. It’s used for mission critical applications like bank account transactions and credit card processing. CICS® has been around since 1969 and still continues to flourish as a mixed language application server today.

How CICS program is executed?

In the time it takes to process one transaction, the system might receive messages from several terminals. For each message, CICS loads the application program (if it is not already loaded) and starts a task to execute it. Thus, multiple CICS tasks can run concurrently.

How do I start a CICS transaction from JCL?

Using JCL to initiate CICS commands

  1. Edit your JCL to use the MVS™ command MODIFY.
  2. Follow the MODIFY command with the job name or task ID of the CICS region you are addressing, followed by the CICS commands.
  3. Submit the JCL. The following sample job shows how you might submit commands in this way.

What is PPT in CICS?

PPT. PPT is known as Processing Program Table. PPT contains Program name or Mapset name, Task Use Counter, Language, Size, Main storage address, Load library address, etc. Program or Mapset name is unique in a PPT table.

How do I check CICS logs?

Go into SDSF. From there, type OWNER * and then DA to see the active users list. Search thru the list and eventually you will find your USERNAME and the CICS service next to it. Insert a? as the option for viewing it and it’s done, you’ll be able to see the CICS joblog (CEEDOUT).