What is Ewhc legal citation?

Court abbreviations in neutral citations EWHC: England and Wales High Court; the various Divisions are indicated in brackets after the judgment number. (QB), (Admin), (Pat) etc.

How do you make a citation legal?

Legal Citation Basics Most legal citations consist of the name of the document (case, statute, law review article), an abbreviation for the legal series, and the date. The abbreviation for the legal series usually appears as a number followed by the abbreviated name of the series and ends in another number.

What citation format do lawyers use?

The Bluebook
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, print. The style most commonly used by lawyers and legal scholars.

What does Ewhc stand for?

EWHC. High Court of England and Wales.

Is Ewhc a neutral citation?

High Court (Administrative Court) [2000] EWHC Admin 1, 2, 3 etc. 2.3 The neutral citation will be the official number attributed to the judgment by the court and must always be used on at least one occasion when the judgment is cited in a later judgment.

What is a citation for court?

A citation is a formal document that is used to serve a legal document, and will usually inform the person who is cited to attend court, either as a witness or as an accused.

How do I find a citation for a case?

Anatomy of a Citation Published in a Reporter

  1. Parties in the case.
  2. Volume number of the official reporter that the case appears in.
  3. Abbreviation of the name of the reporter in which the published case appears.
  4. The first page in the reporter on which the case appears.

Why do lawyers use Bluebook?

A firm may follow its own format for citing authority. During the course of your law school career, the blue book is the authoritative format. It is a fact of life. A legal citation follows a standard format which allows a lawyer to refer to legal authority so that other lawyers or judges can locate the document.

How do you cite court documents?

To cite a court case or decision, list the name of the case, the volume and abbreviated name of the reporter, the page number, the name of the court, the year, and optionally the URL. The case name is italicized in the in-text citation, but not in the reference list.