What is the treatment for multidrug-resistant TB?

Levofloxacin and moxifloxacin are the two most frequently recommended agents, and the WHO has recommended the use of these drugs for the treatment of MDR-TB. The optimal dose of levofloxacin is 750 mg once daily and that of moxifloxacin is 400 mg once daily.

What TB drug is not given to children under 6?

TB disease in children is treated by taking several anti-TB medicines for 4, 6, or 9 months, depending on the treatment regimen. CDC does not recommend the 4-month rifapentine-moxifloxacin TB treatment regimen for children who are younger than 12 years old or have a body weight below 40 kilograms.

How long does it take to cure MDR-TB?

MDR- and XDR-TB need prolonged treatment duration, from 18 to 24 months after sputum culture conversion, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) [2]. A prolonged duration of treatment may lead to poor adherence, higher cost and undue toxicity.

WHO guidelines MDR-TB treatment?

Current policy recommendations on treatment and care for DR-TB. In patients with confirmed rifampicin-susceptible and isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis, treatment with rifampicin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide and levofloxacin is recommended for a duration of 6 months.

Can ethambutol be given in children?

a daily dose of 15 mg/kg (without a range) and includes the advice that ethambutol should not be given to children under 5 years of age.

Who pediatric TB guideline?

The World Health Organization (WHO) now recommends shortened treatment for children with mild tuberculosis (TB), as well as two oral TB treatments (bedaquiline and delamanid) for use in children of all ages.

How long does treatment for resistant TB usually last?

According to the new 2019 updated WHO DR-TB guidelines, a longer MDR-TB regimen can be used for MDR/RR-TB, lasts for at least 18 months, and can be either standardized or individualized. A shorter MDR-TB regimen can be used for MDR/RR-TB, is largely standardized, and is given for 9 to 12 months (Fig.

What is the difference between the XDR-TB and the MDR-TB?

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is practically incurable by standard first-line treatment. However, extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is resistant to both first- and second-line drugs due to drug misuse and mismanagement. Therefore, XDR-TB treatment becomes even harder.