What company owns Viking appliances?

The Middleby Corporation
In 2013 The Middleby Corporation, a world leader in commercial kitchen technology, acquired Viking.

Is Viking appliances an American company?

Viking Range Corporation is an American appliance company that manufactures kitchen appliances for residential and commercial use, and is not to be confused with the “house brand” of appliances from the Canadian department store Eaton’s which went bankrupt in 1999, and which also used the name “Viking”.

What country makes Viking appliances?

Viking, based in Greenwood, Mississippi, is the industry’s leading manufacturer of professional category appliances, a segment of the residential major appliance industry it created in 1987 when it introduced the first Viking range.

Did Viking appliances go out of business?

Viking range’s success faded after 2008 due to multiple product quality issues and safety recalls. Luckily, Middleby Corporation acquired the brand in 2013.

What is so special about Viking appliances?

As the first brand to bring commercial-type cooking equipment into the home, Viking has name recognition as well as a reputation for reliability and quality. Also known for high performance in the pro-style market, Wolf challenged Viking with a wider array of high-output burners and heavy-duty components.

How long do Viking appliances last?

10 to 20 years
How long do Viking ranges last? Viking ranges are known to last from 10 to 20 years in general. Gas models typically last fro 15 years, and electric models 13 years. However, the brand strives to make ranges that last up to 40 years to compete with professional-grade appliances.

Is Viking Russian owned?

Viking Cruises was born in Russia, and is the only western-owned fleet in the land.

Are Viking products worth it?

As you can read above, Viking ranges are absolutely worth the money. They’re an industry leader in the field and have been for many years with good reason. And while they are on average more expensive than the standard ranges, you won’t regret the price once you experience the performance.

Are Viking appliances worth it?