How do you get rid of diabetic foot calluses?

Soaking corns and calluses in warm, soapy water softens them. This can make it easier to remove the thickened skin. Thin thickened skin. Once you’ve softened the affected skin, rub the corn or callus with a pumice stone, nail file, emery board or washcloth.

How do diabetics get rid of hard skin on their feet?

It’s normal to have some callus on your foot, so your doctor will decide if your callus is causing problems. If you have a callus, take care of it properly. After your bath or shower, use a pumice stone to gently remove the built-up tissue. Use cushioned pads and insoles in your shoes.

How do you soften dry diabetic feet?

Use a pumice stone on thickened skin of your feet to gently file away dead skin and allow for the moisturizer to penetrate more effectively. In addition to the pumice stone, you can also exfoliate your feet using a foot scrub. This can help with removing dead skin and can keep the feet and heels soft.

What can diabetics soak their feet in?

It’s a mineral compound that’s sometimes used as a home remedy for sore muscles, bruises, and splinters. In some cases, people add Epsom salt to baths or tubs to soak in. If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before soaking your feet in an Epsom salt bath.

Why can’t diabetics use callus remover?

Patients with diabetes should not use over-the-counter corn or callus removal medicines. These medicines contain acids that can be detrimental to their feet.

What is good for a diabetic to soak their feet in?

Should diabetics put lotion on their feet?

Diabetes: Tips for Regular Foot Care Dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes, an area more prone to fungal infections. Use lotion on your feet to prevent cracking, but don’t put the lotion between your toes. Do not soak feet, or you’ll risk infection if the skin begins to break down.