What does a negative correlation tell us?

A negative, or inverse correlation, between two variables, indicates that one variable increases while the other decreases, and vice-versa. This relationship may or may not represent causation between the two variables, but it does describe an observable pattern.

What does a negative 0.5 correlation mean?

Negative correlation is measured from -0.1 to -1.0. Weak negative correlation being -0.1 to -0.3, moderate -0.3 to -0.5, and strong negative correlation from -0.5 to -1.0. The stronger the negative correlation, the more the stocks tend to be on the opposite side of their mean.

What relation is negative correlation?

A negative correlation is a relationship between two variables such that as the value of one variable increases, the other decreases. Correlation is expressed on a range from +1 to -1, known as the correlation coefficent. Values below zero express negative correlation.

How do you interpret semi partial correlations?

One interpretation of the semipartial is that it is the correlation between one variable and the residual of another, so that the influence of a third variable is only paritialed from one of two variables (hence, semipartial).

What does strong negative correlation mean?

A strong negative correlation, on the other hand, indicates a strong connection between the two variables, but that one goes up whenever the other one goes down. For example, a correlation of -0.97 is a strong negative correlation, whereas a correlation of 0.10 indicates a weak positive correlation.

Which situation describes a negative correlation?

Negative or inverse correlation describes when two variables tend to move in opposite size and direction from one another, such that when one increases the other variable decreases, and vice-versa.

What is strong negative correlation?

What does a moderate negative correlation mean?

It simply means that there is some relationship between the two variables in question, but that there’s also a lot of randomness affecting one or both variables, or perhaps other variables affect the two variables in question, so the direct relationship isn’t strong, but it’s certainly noticeable.