Where is the 01522 area code?
Where is the 01522 area code?
Where is the 01522 Area Code? The Lincoln 01522 dialling code intersects the counties of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire in the East Midlands Region of the UK.
What do Italy phone numbers start with?
All Italian residential (fixed) telephone numbers start with a “0”, and have between 8 and 11 digits (area code+number). Cell (mobile) phone numbers have three digit prefix, all starting with a “3”, and a 6 or 7 digit phone number.
What do I dial for Italy from UK?
How the number is composed
Number | Comments |
00 | 00 is the international prefix used to dial somewhere outside of United Kingdom. |
39 | 39 is the international code used to dial to Italy. |
06 | 06 is the local area or city code used to dial to Rome. |
X | X is the local number you wrote. Exchange X with your number |
Who called 01522 838534?
If you’ve had a phone call from 01522 716302, 01522 838534 or 01522 838573 and you don’t know who it is – don’t panic, it’s only us! It’s most likely that we were calling you to have a chat about your home move.
Who called 01524 area code?
01524 is the area code for Lancaster, Lancashire, UK. The code also covers areas such as Arnside, Carnforth, Heysham, Morecambe, and Silverdale.
Who is calling from 702?
We found out the 702 phone call is coming from an unknown marketing company. That company was hired by a business to make all its phone calls. Once they find a willing participant, in this case NewChannel 11, they patch the phone call to a sales person with Vehicle Services, Inc. or VSI. They sell auto warranties.
How does Italy number look like?
Italian mobile numbers always begin with a 3 (for example 338 123 4567, 347 123 4567). When you dial a mobile number from abroad you do not add a leading zero to it. In other words, you dial: 011 39 338 123 4567.
How do I dial Italy from London?
To call Italy from United Kingdom, dial: 00 – 39 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 00 – 39 – 10 Digit Mobile Number
- 00 – Exit code for United Kingdom, and is needed for making any international call from United Kingdom.
- 39 – ISD Code or Country Code of Italy.
- Area code – There are 234 area codes in Italy.
How do I add Italy number to WhatsApp?
About This Article
- Open your Android’s main Contacts app.
- Tap + to create a new contact.
- Enter a contact name.
- Type a + followed by the country code into the phone number blank.
- Enter the rest of the phone number.
- Save your contact so it is accessible in WhatsApp.