What kind of wine is Spatlese?

Spätlese (literal meaning: “late harvest”; plural form is Spätlesen) is a German wine term for a wine from fully ripe grapes, the lightest of the late harvest wines.

Which wine is sweeter Auslese or Spatlese?

Spätlese means “late harvest” and grapes have a sweetness level of 76-90 Oechsle (172–209 g/L sugar) when harvested. Auslese meaning “select harvest”, Auslese is even sweeter picked at 83–110 Oechsle (191–260 g/l sugar) where the grapes are hand-selected and have noble rot.

Is Riesling Spatlese a dessert wine?

Riesling Beerenauslese Beerenauslese wines are dessert wines (100 g/l sugar). The high sugar ratio makes them great aging wines.

What grape is Spatlese?

Spatlese wines are made from fully ripe Riesling, Grauer Burgunder, or Weißer Burgunder grapes. While these wines are praised by wine critics for their versatile character, opulent aromas, and rich, seductive flavors, they often go under the radar of most wine drinkers.

Is Spatlese off-dry?

Kabinett wines range in style from dry to off-dry. Spätlese Spätlese means “late harvest” and grapes have a sweetness level of 76-90 Oechsle (172–209 g/L sugar). Spätlese wines are rich and usually sweeter than Kabinett, although if you see “Trocken” on the bottle you can assume it’s in a dry style with higher alcohol.

Is Spatlese sweeter than Kabinett?

Spätlese wines are rich and usually sweeter than Kabinett, although if you see “Trocken” on the bottle you can assume it’s in a dry style with higher alcohol.

Can Spatlese be dry?

Spätlese means “Late Selected”. This Riesling is more concentrated and therefore has medium body. Riesling Spätlese wines are richer than Kabinett wines because the grapes contain more sugar at late harvest. Spätlese wines can be off-dry (Halb trocken 12-18 g/l sugar) or dry (Trocken 4-9 g/l sugar).

What do you eat with Spatlese?

Spatlese–This is often an off-dry wine with a medium body. Spatlese works well with spicy fare, fruit dishes, lobster, scallops and fish, pork, BLT sandwiches, and smoked meat. Auslese–A fantastic pick for avocados, rich cheese, crab, goat cheese, foie gras, and rich textured dishes.

How much residual sugar is in Spatlese?

Süß or süss – a sweet wine (more than 45g/l of residual sugar)

What color is Spatlese?

Spatlese (meaning “late harvest”) is a sweet white wine style with about 172–209 grams of sugar per liter.