Is there another website like Armslist?’s top 5 competitors in March 2022 are:,,,, and more.

What does Rd mean for guns?

RA. Remington Arms (manufacturer) Rd or Rds. Round or Rounds.

Did Armslist get shut down?

Armslist is now dead: Where to post AR15 for sale or consignment options.

Is there another site like GunBroker?’s top 5 competitors in March 2022 are:,,,, and more.

What does SK mean in guns?

SK – Prior to 1920, this was for deck guns and meant Schnelladekanone or Schnellfeurkanone. “Fast Firing Cannon,” equivalent to QF or RF. After that date, the meaning was changed to Schiffskanone or “Ship Cannon.” Usually followed by the year in which it was designed.

What does PCB mean in guns?

SIG Sauer has entered the fray with the . 300 Blackout MCX Rattler Pivoting Contour Brace (PCB) Pistol, and it is an excellent variant on the theme.

What does SFS mean on a gun?

To put it simply, FPS stands for ‘feet per second’. Used as a means of measuring the muzzle velocity of a BB (6mm pellets) as it leaves the barrel of an Airsoft replica. It can be measured by using a chronograph.

Can a private individual sell a gun to a private buyer?

Private Gun Sales: Don’t Knowingly Sell To The “Wrong” People! A private individual may sell a firearm to a private buyer in the same state so long as the seller does not know or have reasonable cause to believe that the person purchasing the firearm is prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under federal or state law.

Is there a private party to pick up old guns?

No matter how old or useless the gun is, there’s always a dealer or a private party willing to pick it up. You just have to look around, and you’ll get more than you would from some taxpayer-funded money-wasting scheme. Operating Regular Guy Guns and bringing you quality content costs money, money that I am more than happy to spend.

What are the legal restrictions on private gun sales in Florida?

Understanding “private gun sales” laws What are the legal restrictions on “private gun sales”? Private individuals in Florida may legally buy, sell, gift, or otherwise transfer firearms to another private individual in Florida. However, when doing so, careful attention needs to be paid to not violate the laws regulating these transactions.

How do you meet up with someone who owns a gun?

The first is to meet someplace public during daylight hours. I personally prefer meeting in a gun store parking lot if possible, but the parking lot of a large store works well, too. They’re easy to find, there’s plenty of space, and usually you can find a relatively quiet edge of the parking area in which to do business.