What is the purpose of dosing?
What is the purpose of dosing?
Dosing generally applies to feeding chemicals or medicines when used in small quantities. For medicines the term dose is generally used. In the case of inanimate objects the word dosing is typical.
What does dosing mean in slang?
to cause a person to ingest drugs without their knowledge. For example, by putting it in their drink or food. I think someone dosed her with GHB last night.
What is dosing unit?
Dosage unit means a single pill, capsule, ampule, liquid, or other form of administration available as a single unit; Sample 1.
What is meant by dosing system?
Dosing system means the system of tanks, pumps or syphons, and piping located between the septic tank and soil absorption system which is intended to apply a large quantity of settled wastewater to the absorption system in a short period of time.
What is SMBS dosing?
Sodium metabisulfite [SMBS] is the typical chlorine reducing agent of choice for larger RO systems. A dosing rate of 2.0 to 3.0 ppm SMBS per 1.0 ppm chlorine so as to include an industrial safety factor for brackish water RO systems with at least 20 seconds of reaction time.
What is dosing in manufacturing?
Solid-dosage manufacturing involves a range of processing technologies to take a formulated API through to a finished dose form (e.g., capsule, tablet). A thorough understanding of both the product and the process technology are required for optimization.
What is Jaffa slang for?
jaffa (plural jaffas) A type of sweet orange, normally seedless. (slang) An impotent or infertile male.
Why are dosing pumps used?
A metering pump (also called a dosing pump) is used to add small but accurate volumes of a liquid to other fluid streams or vessels. Metering is achieved by controlling the pump’s speed or stroke length to achieve a specific delivery rate or by controlling the period of operation to supply an accurate single dose.
How does a dosing pump?
A dosing pump draws a measured amount of liquid into its chamber and injects the chemical into a tank or pipe that contains the fluid that is being dosed. It’s powered by an electric motor or an air actuator and has a controller that turns the pump on and off and manages the flow rate.
What is the pH of SMBS?
Sodium Metabisulfite Solution (SMBS) is made by dissolving solid sodium metabisulfite into water and has a pH of 4.6 at 1.0 % (by weight) solution strength.