How do you treat leaf spots on photinia?

Fungal: Apply three to four sprays of an approved fungicide (ideally systemic) starting at bud break in the early spring and continue at regular intervals during the spring until dry weather. Thoroughly treat all leaf and twig surfaces. The wetter and rainier the spring the greater disease severity will be.

How do you treat Entomosporium Leaf Spot on photinia?

On photinia, apply fungicides every 10 to 14 days from the bud break until all new foliage has matured. Fungicide applications may be resumed in the fall during periods of mild, wet weather. In the nursery, a preventive spray program should run from bud break in early spring through the first hard frost in late fall.

How do you treat black spots on leaves?

For those of you who prefer Grandma’s solutions to garden problems, try this: Mix one heaping tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) into a gallon of water for your sprayer. Add a dash of horticultural oil or horticultural soap and Voila!

What are black spots on red tip photinia?

Unfortunately, red tip photinias are particularly susceptible to leaf spot diseases. This fungus Entomosporium mespili causes leaf spot on all members of the rose family, including red tip photinias. Starting as a red, brown, or black dot on leaves, the leaf spot expands outward as the fungus grows.

How do you treat black spot in photinia?

Keep the plant’s bed free of disease-causing fungi by raking fallen leaves and adding a two to four-inch layer of mulch in spring. During dry periods, thoroughly water the plant, taking extra care not to wet foliage and promote the spread of the disease.

What kills black spot?

How to Control Black Spot: Once black spot becomes active, the only way to control the disease and stop its spread is with an effective fungicide. GardenTech® brand’s Daconil® fungicides offer highly effective, three-way protection against black spot and more than 65 other types of fungal disease.

How do you get rid of black spots on Red Robin?

How to treat photinia leaf spot

  1. You should pick all infected leaves by pruning them out.
  2. Diligently disinfect your pruning shears, scissors or secateur with methylated spirits or alcohol between cuts.
  3. Spray at two week intervals, preferably just after a rain or shower.
  4. Spray again with Bordeaux mix in fall.

How do you treat black spots on Photinia?

How do you get rid of leaf spot?


  1. Prune and remove heavily affected leaves.
  2. Provide frequent treatment of neem oil or another fungicide to the foliage.
  3. Avoid getting water onto the leaves as it recovers.
  4. Keep the plant away from other plants temporarily.
  5. Monitor daily to ensure the infection has stopped spreading.

Does black spot spread to other plants?

Like most fungal diseases, black spot thrives in wet, humid weather, usually when temperatures are in the mid-70s Fahrenheit. The spots produce spores which spread to other leaves and plants. The spores can survive the winter in fallen leaves and infected canes.

Will my photinia recover?

The photinia fungus won’t kill the plant immediately or even during the first season but will return year after year until the constant leaf drop and the depletion of nourishment that results weakens the plant to the point of death.