How do I start the GI Blues quest?
How do I start the GI Blues quest?
Quest stages Hire a guard named Orris near the northern gate of Freeside. Follow Orris to the south gate and watch for any suspicious behavior. Return to the King and report that you’ve learned nothing about Orris. Hire Orris again and report what you’ve learned about Orris.
Can you join the Kings Fallout New Vegas?
How to Join the Kings. To join the Kings, go to the School of Impersonation in Freeside. Once you arrive, head left and enter the stage area to meet the King, who leads the group. Help the Kings with the quest G.I.
Who was the most popular president Fallout New Vegas?
When he asks you who the most popular NCR president was, you answer Tandi.
Who is the most popular person in the NCR?
Q1 Tandi is the most popular president in NCR history.
Who was the most popular president FNV?
He’ll ask you three questions, and you’ll have to give him the right answers. There is no room for error here. When he asks you who the most popular NCR president was, you answer Tandi.
Should I side with NCR or legion?
I would go with NCR if I were you because it feels more fulfilling to the gameplay. Legion is the best choice for an evil/bad karma playthrough, it’s fun to experience at least once of you normally side with the NCR or Yes Man. If you haven’t, go for it. It’s good to explore the full scope of the story.
Can you join Caesar’s Legion?
Caesar’s Legion is a ruthless slaver society who is at the doorstep of the NCR (New California Republic) and Mr. House in Fallout: New Vegas. If their group interests you, it is possible to join their ranks and serve under Caesar.
Where can I buy NCR uniform?
NCR armor can be found on a dead NCR trooper in the entrance of Vault 11. After entering the vault, go straight through the first door and take a left. The trooper is straight ahead in the hallway. 2 suits of random NCR armor can often be found in the tent next to Lieutenant Hayes’s Tent in Primm.
Who was the most popular NCR president?
When he asks you who the most popular NCR president was, you answer Tandi. When asked where the original NCR capital was located, you answer Shady Sands.