What is the necessity of geometric design of a railway track?
What is the necessity of geometric design of a railway track?
It is very important for tracks to have proper geometric design in order to ensure the safe and smooth running of trains at maximum permissible speeds, carrying the heaviest axle loads.
What are the significant features of design of a railway track?
1. Gradients in the track, including grade compensation, rising gradient, and falling gradient. 2. Curvature of the track, including horizontal and vertical curves, transition curves, sharpness of the curve in terms of radius or degree of the curve, cant or superelevation on curves, etc.
What do you understand by the geometric design of a track?
Geometric design should be such as to provide maximum efficiency in the traffic operation with maximum safety at reasonable cost. Gradient. Any departure of track from the level is known as grade or gradient.
What type of data is needed for the geometric design of a railway?
Railway geometric design needs identification consist of spatial (contour line, Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates, grid or graticule, raster and vector data) and attribute information components (land use, geology, cadastral, hydrologic, soil bearing capacity, population).
What are the factors controlling geometric design?
The various factors that govern the geometric design of highways are: The Design Speed. The topography factors. Other Factors….Design Speed of Highways
- Length of the vertical curves.
- The horizontal curves.
- The sight distances.
What are the basics of railway track alignment?
Basic Requirements of Good Track Alignment
- (i) Transportation Services.
- (ii) Political and Strategic.
- (iii) Linking of Centres.
- (iv) To Open up New Tracks.
- (v) Shortening Existing Track.
- (i) Points through which a track must pass.
- (ii) Points through which a track should not pass.
- (i) Valley Alignment.
What are the objective of providing gradient?
1. To provide a uniform rise or fall as far as practicable. 2. To connect the terminal stations situated at different levels.
What are the elements of geometric cross section?
The major cross section elements considered in the design of streets and highways include the pavement surface type, cross slope, lane widths, shoulders, roadside or border, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and medians. Due consideration should be given to the motoring and non-motoring users in designing the cross section.
What is the importance of geometric design?
Proper geometric design will help in the reduction of accidents and their severity. Therefore, the objective of geometric design is to provide optimum efficiency in traffic operation and maximum safety at reasonable cost.
What is the most important factor affecting the geometric design of the highway?
The most important factor affecting the geometric design of the highway is the design speed. The design speed parameter affects the: Length of the vertical curves. The horizontal curves.
What is the most important strategic reason for the construction of a new railway line?
1. What is the most important strategic reason for the construction of a new railway line? Explanation: In case of natural calamities like flood, earthquake or during threat of war, presence of a railway line is very important. It ensures fast movement of defence forces and relief material to the area.
Is the alignment of railway required?
The alignment of a new railway line depends upon the topography of the country it traverses. The following few situations may arise. Plane alignment When the topography is plane and flat, the alignment presents no problems and can pass through obligatory points and yet have very easy gradients.
What are the parameters involved in the geometric design of railway track?
The geometric design of a railway track includes all those parameters which determine or affect the geometry of the track. These parameters are as follows. 1. Gradients in the track, including grade compensation, rising gradient, and falling gradient. 2.
Why is it important for tracks to have proper geometric design?
It is very important for tracks to have proper geometric design in order to ensure the safe and smooth running of trains at maximum permissible speeds, carrying the heaviest axle loads.
What are the advantages of geometric design in trains?
2. Necessity of Geometric Design: Smooth & safe running of trains. Maximum speed. Carrying heavy axle loads. Avoid accidents & derailments. Less maintenance efforts. Good aesthetic value. There, if all the above elements are properly designed, the possibility of derailments due to defects in the track can be avoided.
Why is the gradient of a railway track provided low?
4) Gradient at stations: at stations gradient are provided sufficient low due to following reason: –To prevent additional resistance due to grade. On Indian railways, maximum gradient permitted is 1 in 400 in station yards. If a curve is provided on a track with ruling gradient, the resistance of the track will be increased this curve.