What is IR in TV cable?

1-5 of 5 Answers. An IR extender cable is an Infra-Red Eye Extension to instead of pointing the remote control directly at the TV, you can point the remote directly toward the IR Eye sensor instead, giving you a much greater range and more versatility with the remote controller features.

What is IR remote control?

Some Android devices have a built-in IR transceiver. This means that they can send and receive IR signals (the same thing used by your typical TV remote control). This makes it possible to control TVs, steros, and other equipment with Unified Remote. Only certain Android devices are supported for IR.

Can I hide my cable box and still use a remote?

Will My Remote Work (If I Hide My Cable Box)? Again, YES, but there are a few things to consider. If your remote uses Bluetooth or RF technology, you don’t have much to worry about as these don’t require line of sight. As long as you’re within range of your cable box, your remote should work fine.

Does IR remote work through walls?

An IR remote controller uses a beam of invisible InfraRed light to carry the ‘button press’ information to your TV decoder, DVD or other IR remote controlled equipment. Infrared is like visible light, it won’t penetrate opaque objects such as walls.

How can I change the channel on my TV without a remote?

How to Change the TV Channels Without a Remote

  1. Inspect the front and sides of your television to locate the buttons labeled “channel.” Video of the Day.
  2. Press the up button if you want to go to a higher numbered channel.
  3. Press the down button if you want to go to a lower numbered channel.

How do I turn on my cable box on my Samsung Smart TV remote?

Press “Cable” or “Mode” on your Samsung remote. If your Samsung remote has a “Cable” button, click it to let the remote know that you are trying to communicate with a cable box. Newer Samsung TV remotes may only have a “Mode” button.