What are 5 exercises for cardio?

Top gym cardio exercises

  • Elliptical. The elliptical machine can provide the cardio benefits of walking or running, with reduced impact on a person’s joints.
  • Stair climber. The stair climber strengthens the lower body.
  • Exercise bike.
  • Treadmill.
  • Rowing machine.
  • Swimming.

What are 7 cardio exercises?

Here are 7 effective cardio exercises you can do at home:

  • Jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are a gym class classic because they’re effective for getting your heart rate up and all you need to do them is yourself.
  • Plank jacks.
  • High knees.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Burpees.

What are different forms of cardio?

Jump Rope. Chances are, you haven’t jumped rope since 4th grade recess.

  • Dancing. Whether or not you think you have two left feet, dancing is a great way to blow off some steam while also getting your cardio in.
  • Organized Sports.
  • Power Walking.
  • Swimming.
  • Boxing.
  • Trampoline-ing.
  • Cycling.
  • Is plank a cardio exercise?

    Planks are known for their core-crushing abilities. Holding one will make anyone’s abs tremble after a while. But some plank variations have another not-so-obvious superpower: Any moving plank will get your heart rate pumping, letting you sneak some cardio into your abs workout.

    What cardio can I do at home?

    Jumping Jacks With Resistance Band Lat Pulls Jumping jacks are often a staple of any home cardio routine. Adding a resistance band is a great way to add more intensity and engage the upper body, which helps burn more calories. 13 As you pull the band down, you engage the back, making this a multi-purpose exercise.

    Are push ups cardio?

    While most people think of push-ups as a strength exercise, they can also be a great cardiovascular workout, says Dannah Bollig, a certified personal trainer and founder of the DE Method, a body-weight focused workout routine.

    What is the best cardio?

    What is the healthiest cardio?

    Examples: Brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis and jumping rope. Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is the kind that doctors have in mind when they recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity.

    Which cardio is best?

    10 Best Cardio Exercises for Weight Loss

    • Sprinting. Sprints outside, on a treadmill, or even up stairs or bleachers are great to burn the most calories in the least amount of time.
    • High-intensity Interval Training.
    • Rowing.
    • Swimming.
    • Cycling.
    • Kettlebells.
    • Jumping Rope.
    • Stair Climber.

    What are the best forms of cardio exercise?

    – Start in a plank position with your shoulders directly over your wrists. – As you exhale jump your legs into straddle the mat as you simultaneously drop your sitz bones down and bicep curl. – Inhale to lower the hands down. – Repeat for 15 reps.

    What are the best cardiovascular exercises?

    Hill Runs. Hill runs are an incredible tool to burn fat and improve your anaerobic conditioning.

  • Stair Climbs. Tim Liu,C.S.C.S.
  • Cycling. If you’re an outdoors person and really enjoy riding your bike,then an awesome way to get some quality cardio in is by going for a long bike ride
  • Jump Rope.
  • What are the top 10 cardio exercises?

    – Step-ups In addition to being source of cardio, step-ups work the legs, glutes, and core. – Tuck Jump Let’s see how well you can jump! Stand up nice and straight with your body tensed and knees slightly bent. – Plank to Push-up Two great exercises for the price of one. Start with your body straight, forearms and toes on the ground in a plank position.

    What are some examples of cardiovascular exercises?


  • power walking.
  • swimming.
  • dancing.
  • jump rope.
  • high-intensity sports,such as basketball and soccer.