What did George Carruthers discover?
What did George Carruthers discover?
Carruthers invented the first Moon-based astronomy observatory, which was placed by Apollo 16 astronauts on the lunar surface. Working for the Naval Research Laboratory, Carruthers received a patent for a Far Ultraviolet Electrographic Camera, which obtained images in electromagnetic radiation in short wavelengths.
What is George Robert Carruthers known for?
George R. Carruthers, an astrophysicist and engineer who was the principal designer of a telescope that went to the moon as part of NASA’s Apollo 16 mission in 1972 in an effort to examine Earth’s atmosphere and the composition of interstellar space, died Dec. 26 at a Washington hospital. He was 81.
Did George Carruthers get married?
Dr. Carruthers retired from the naval laboratory in 2002. In addition to his brother Gerald, he is survived by his wife, Debra (Thomas) Carruthers, and another brother, Anthony.
What is Mr Carruthers received from President Obama?
2012 National Medal of Technology and Innovation
Dr. Carruthers received the nation’s highest honor for achievement in technology when President Barack Obama awarded him the 2012 National Medal of Technology and Innovation. That same year the National Institute of Science named him the first recipient of its Outstanding Scientist Award.
What was George Carruthers major accomplishments?
George Robert Carruthers (October 1, 1939 – December 26, 2020) was an African American inventor, physicist, engineer and space scientist. Carruthers perfected a compact and very powerful ultraviolet camera/spectrograph for NASA to use when it launched Apollo 16 in 1972.
When did George Carruthers invent lens?
Carruther’s invention was used on April 21, 1972, during the first lunar walk of the Apollo 16 mission.
Who invented the UV telescope?
George Carruthers
George Carruthers, a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory, stands to the right of his invention, the gold-plated ultraviolet camera/spectrograph. The first Moon-based observatory, Carruthers developed it for the Apollo 16 mission.
Where is George Carruthers from?
Cincinnati, OHGeorge Robert Carruthers / Place of birth
Where did George Carruthers go to school?
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Englewood Technical Prep Academy
George Robert Carruthers/Education
How did George Robert Carruthers change the world?
Who invented lens?
It is generally accepted that the origin of the lens can be traced back to the ancient Roman philosopher, Seneca, who described, “letters could be magnified by a ball of crystal” about 2000 years ago. The lens works using a principle known as light “refraction”: the light bends and changes its direction of travel.
How old is George Carruthers?
81 years (1939–2020)George Robert Carruthers / Age at death
Is Dr George Carruthers a good doctor?
Our family is very fortunate to have Dr. Carruthers as our family doctor. A1! My wife is still alive because of him. 0 Helpful? Flag I’m truly blessed to be lucky enough to have Dr.Carruthers as our family doctor. He was born to do this job. 0 Helpful? Flag Dr George is an okay doctor.
Where did David Carruthers work?
In 1964, Carruthers began working for the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. where his work focused on far ultraviolet astronomy.
Where did Richard Carruthers live as a child?
The family lived in Milford, Ohio until Carruthers’ father died suddenly and his mother moved the family back to her native Chicago. As a child, he enjoyed visiting Chicago museums, libraries, planetariums and was a member of the Chicago Rocket Society and various science clubs.
How old was George Carruthers when he invented the telescope?
He built his first telescope at the age of 10, and by age 25, George Carruthers earned a Ph.D. in aeronautical and astronautical engineering. Upon graduating from the University of Illinois, Carruthers started work at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.