How long does it take to bake a potato on the grill at 400?

Wrap potatoes in foil tightly. Place on the grill (if using a gas grill, place on top) 400 degrees. Leave them there for an hour, turing at the 30 minute point. Remove from grill and enjoy with whatever toppings you like.

How hot does a grill need to be for baked potatoes?

Preheat the grill to medium high: that’s 375 to 450 degrees. Brush the potatoes in melted butter (or olive oil) and wrap in foil. Prick the potatoes all over before and after you place them in the foil. Grill 30 minutes, then flip and grill 20 to 30 minutes more.

Do you flip potatoes on the grill?

Once they are on the grill, they cook for about 45 minutes, give them a flip and turn every so often to ensure even cooking. I find using smaller potatoes is a good option here as larger ones will take longer to cook. Try making baked sweet potatoes on the barbecue for another summer side.

How do you cook a baked potato on a griddle?

Heat your griddle to high heat and coat with a very thin layer of olive oil or butter. Add potatoes to griddle and cook approximately 5-6 minutes each side or until crispy, light brown crust coats the outside of the potato slices. Remove from heat and serve.

Can you grill potatoes without boiling?

Boiling is the best way to evenly cook them, so if you get them most of the way cooked before they go on the grill, the potatoes only have to finish cooking for a little bit longer and don’t run the risk of drying out by staying on the grill for too long.

Do you need to boil potatoes before grilling?

Giving your potatoes a quick boil at the start guarantees they’ll be creamy on the inside and charred on the outside. Skip this step and you’ll be left with burnt potatoes with raw or overly dry insides. The par boiling process will also cut your cook time, as grilling raw potatoes can take ages.

How long do I cook a baked potato at 450?


  1. Preheat oven to 450.
  2. Scrub potatoes under running water; dry them, and rub the skin of each with the oil and a little salt.
  3. Place the potatoes in the oven, and roast for 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the potatoes, until they offer no resistance when a knife is inserted in their centers.