Does Utalii College offer certificate courses?

Utalii College offers some of the best diploma and certificate courses in Kenya, and it is a member of the three African EUHOFA (International Association of Hotel Schools).

Can I join Utalii College with D plain?

Admissions Requirements: with a C+ or equivalent. K.C.S.E. with a C plain or equivalent Plus a Diploma or equivalent from a recognized post-secondary institution. International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Does Utalii College offer short courses?

We offer a wide range of Diploma, Certificate, Short Courses & Management Development Programmes (MDP).

What courses does Utalii College offer?

Courses offered at Kenya Utalii College (KUC)

  • BA Travel and Tourism Management.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management.
  • Bachelor of Hotels and Hospitality Management.
  • Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management.
  • Certificate in Food and Beverage Sales and Service.
  • Certificate in Food Production.

Can I do hospitality with D +?

Admission requirements At the basic level, you must have a KCSE mean grade of D+ or a certificate in hospitality management from a recognized institution.

Which course can I do with D+ in Utalii College?


Certificate in Food Production KCSE Aggregate C-, English C-, and Mathematics D+ or any other equivalent qualification. Or KUC graduates of short courses:
Kitchen Operations Techniques/ Cake Making & Decorations/ Pastry & Bakery provided attained minimum KCSE aggregate C- and

Can I join Utalii with a C?

Entry Requirements KCSE aggregate C, English C+ and Mathematics/Business Studies C- and any other equivalent qualifications or Kenya Utalii College graduates of 1 ½ or 2-year certificate (Hotel Related) courses may apply provided they passed with Distinction or a Credit.

Can D+ do Tourism?

Universities Offering Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management(Tourism and Hospitality Management) Entry requirements:-KCSE mean grade D+ (plus) or equivalent qualifications.

Can I do hospitality with a C?

Entry Requirements Mean grade C- (minus) at KCSE with a Certificate in a field related to hospitality from a recognized institution and two (2) years of relevant experience.

How long is certificate in hospitality?

about a year
Certificate Programs in Hospitality. Gaining certification for a job or to learn a new skill usually takes about a year to complete. In most cases, a test must be passed at the end of the course to determine mastery of the information. Many people get certified as an alternative to a formal degree.

Can I join Mount Kenya university with D+?

Competitive programs you can pursue at Mount Kenya University with a C (Plain), C (minus) and a D + (plus) – Mount Kenya University.

Can I do teaching with D+?

Got a D+ in KCSE? Now You Can Join a Teachers’ College. KCSE D+ will now get you into teaching college. The qualifications for students joining teacher training colleges have been lowered, amid a decline in the number of students choosing the profession in the last two years.