Does Xfinity allow DNS servers?

Unfortunately, Comcast Xfinity does not allow the DNS to be changed on their devices. Depending on who you talk to in support their reasoning varies from security concerns to issues with dynamic devices.

How do I fix my Comcast DNS?

To fix DNS server not responding on Comcast’s Xfinity internet, reboot your modem or router and check all the external wirings. Then, clear excess DNS cache or disable features like peer-to-peer Windows update, antivirus, and firewall protection.

How do I add a DNS to Comcast?

But, that meant I was stuck with Comcast’s default network settings and DNS servers, as I knew they were hard-coded and unmodifiable….

  1. Click on Advanced and navigate to the DNS tab.
  2. Click on the plus sign (+) to modify DNS settings.
  3. Enter the public DNS servers.
  4. Click on Apply and then OK.

How do I find my Comcast DNS server?

Comcast Xfinity DNS Servers

  1. IPv4.
  2. Primary DNS:
  3. Secondary DNS:
  4. IPv6.
  5. Primary DNS: 2001:558:feed::1.
  6. Secondary DNS: 2001:558:feed::2.

What is xfinity domain?

Xfinity is a trade name of Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, a subsidiary of the Comcast Corporation, used to market consumer cable television, internet, telephone, and wireless services provided by the company. Category. ISP/Telco. Web Link.

Can I change DNS on Comcast Gateway?

The DNS servers are encoded on the router and cannot be changed directly. Even if you modify your computer, Comcast gateways will always intercept the transaction and redirect it to Comcast DNS servers.

How do I change the DNS on my Comcast router?

To change the wireless connection, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Airport tab.
  2. Select the advanced settings option.
  3. Select the DNS menu.
  4. To add a new IP address to the Xfinity router, click the plus icon.
  5. Press the apply button, followed by the OK button.

How do I configure DNS server?

Log on to the computer as an administrator.

  • Click Start,point to Control Panel,and then click Add or Remove Programs.
  • Click Add\\Remove Windows Components.
  • In the Components list,click Networking Services (do not click to select or click to clear the check box),and then click Details.
  • What are the most common DNS servers?

    Using an A record to point to the same IP of the root domain.

  • Using a CNAME record to point to the root domain.
  • Using a URL record to redirect to the root domain.
  • What are the IP addresses for the Comcast DNS servers?

    Right-click on Start.

  • Select the Network Connections option.
  • Double-click on the network connection you are using.
  • Click Properties (you must be logged in as Administrator,or you will be prompted to log in).
  • Click the Networking tab.
  • Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) connection item.
  • Click Properties.
  • What DNS server do you all use?

    – If you’ve entered a custom DNS address on your computer or smartphone, that DNS server will be used – If you have not entered any custom DNS on your device, then the DNS server available on the router will be used – If you have not entered any custom DNS on your computer and router, then the DNS server provided by your ISP will be used.