Can bichir live with Tetras?

When keeping smaller species like the Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus), large Tetras are excellent tank mates for them.

What fish can live with Bichirs?

Bichir Tank Mates

  • Oscar fish.
  • Flowerhorn cichlids.
  • African knife.
  • Clown Loaches.
  • Jack Dempsey fish.
  • Silver Dollar fish.

What size tank does a bichir need?

A: Bichirs need an aquarium of at least 50 gallons in capacity.

What do Polypterus Senegalus eat?

Diet and Nutrition Because of its poor eyesight, the polypterus relies on its sense of smell to seek out its food. This carnivore enjoys many foods, including: Meaty foods, including mussel, prawn, shrimp, cockle, whitebait, beefheart and silversides. Live foods, including guppies, minnows, earthworms and ghost shrimp.

What can a dinosaur Bichir live with?

Dinosaur bichir tankmates It is best to consider fish that are larger than the size of your dinosaur bichir’s mouth and can hold their own in a tank. Good tankmates include other bichirs, knife fish, oscar fish, Jack Demspey fish, and flowerhorn cichlids.

Are Bichirs aggressive?

Bichirs are predatory fish, with a moderately aggressive temperament. They are problematic when kept with smaller size fish, as they will nip at their fins or even eat them. However, they seem to have no problems sharing their tank with larger fish.

Do Bichirs eat fish?

Dinosaur bichirs are one of the more peaceful species from its genus, but that isn’t to say that they are not aggressive fish; remember, bichirs are large carnivores and will eat any small fish they come across. They should never be trusted in a tank where they can easily eat their tank mates.

Are Bichirs friendly?

Typical Behavior. Bichirs are predatory fish, with a moderately aggressive temperament. They are problematic when kept with smaller size fish, as they will nip at their fins or even eat them.

Do bichirs eat fish?

Are bichirs community fish?

There are about 12 species in this genus recognized as Bichirs all from freshwater systems of tropical Africa. These are quite large and aggressive fish that requires large tanks….Bichir Facts & Overview.

Category Rating
Tank Set-Up: Freshwater
Compatibility: Large cichlids and catfish

What is the smallest bichir?

The Dinosaur Bichir, also known as Senegal or the grey Bichir, is among the smallest species (reaching about 14 inches). They have a long cylindrical grey-ish body with serrated dorsal fins and large pectoral fins used for locomotion.

What are the best tank mates for neon tetras?

Although it seems like a bit of an odd entry to the list of tank mates for neon tetras, African dwarf frogs are great companions for neon tetras. They add a bit of variety to the aquarium.

Do cardinal tetras need a large tank?

Cardinal Tetras are peaceful and can survive with most other fish species in a fish tank. While they do not require large tanks themselves, it is a good idea to get a sizable aquarium to accommodate other species.

How to keep neon tetras from dying in an aquarium?

Try not to make the aquarium light too bright for them. Low wattage bulbs can help you get that dim light effect that they like. Neon tetras need groups of 6 or more to be healthy, otherwise, they get stressed. Avoid adding larger carnivore fish that have tetras in their diets.