What is a major theme for Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz?

What were Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s beliefs? Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz used Baroque style to promote empiricism, Neoplatonism, and Scholasticism. She also displayed a certain feminism, portraying woman as the seat of reason and knowledge over passion and argued for greater opportunities for the education of women.

What is one of the arguments that Sor Juana makes to defend her right to pursue her own education and writing activities?

Sor Juana responded with stunning self-defense. She defended the right of all women to attain knowledge and famously wrote (echoing a poet and a Catholic saint), “One can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper,” justifying her study of secular topics as necessary to understanding theology.

Why did Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz write her response?

The “Reply to Sor Philothea” was written in response to a disconcerting missive sent to the author by the Bishop of Puebla, Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz, who used the traditional female pseudonym of Sor Philothea (in Greek, philothea means “love of God”) to admonish the poet for her apparent lack of religious …

What does the life of Juana Inés de la Cruz tell us about gender roles in Colonial Spanish America?

Introduction to Sor Juana Inés de La Cruz’s Life Males were viewed as superiors over females, and women were expected to maintain primarily domestic roles in the household. In fact, this biased gender role was an aspect of the social hierarchy even during the post-Colonial era in Latin America.

How does Miguel Cabrera make reference to Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s intellect in the portrait he painted of her?

Writing implements rest on the table, a clear allusion to sor Juana’s written works and intellectual pursuits. The rosary—a sign of her religious life—is juxtaposed with items signifying her intellectual life. The books, the desk, the quills and inkwell aid in conveying her intellectual status.

Was Sor Juana a feminist?

Not only was Juana a talented poet and philosopher, but she was also one of the first feminist literary women in the Americas. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695) at 15.

What does Sor Juana Inés defend herself against?

Sor Juana responded with her famous letter simply named “Respuesta” (meaning “reply” or “response”), which passionately and cleverly defended her thirst for learning. In the letter, she recounts her intellectual history, and defends her own and all women’s right to education.

Why did Sor Juana sell all her books scientific & musical instruments and give up her intellectual endeavors?

The text is Sor Juana’s defense for her right to devote herself to secular and artistic endeavors. 1694: Forced to abjure and sell her books and musical and scientific instruments because of the controversy surrounding her writings—which took more of a feminist tone than a religious one.

What did Sor Juana believe about women’s rights?

Sor Juana was always convinced that the female, from childhood to adulthood, was entitled to an education and to choose her field of study. In contemporary terms, we speak of access and equality, especially of pay.

Why did Sor Juana choose the life of a nun?

Considered the first feminist of the Americas, sor Juana lived as a nun of the Jeronymite order (named for St. Jerome) in seventeenth-century Mexico. Rather than marry, she chose to become a nun so she could pursue her intellectual interests.

Why do you think Sor Juana chose the church over marriage?

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz chose to take the veil not only because she had no wish to marry but because in her time the convent was the only environment which sanctioned a woman’s desire for a life of study and meditation.

What movement is portrait of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz?

Juana Inés de la Cruz

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz O.S.H.
Literary movement Baroque
Notable works Carta Atenagorica First Dream Pawns of a House Satira Filosofica
Years active ~1660 to ~1693
Relatives Don Pedro Manuel de Asuaje y Vargas-Macucha and Doña Isabel Ramírez de Santillana y Rendón (parents)