How do you punish a child who steals?
How do you punish a child who steals?
Have the child make restitution, helping her if you need to. This means she needs to return the merchandise, or pay off damages. Tell your child that you are watching her behavior, that she has lost some trust, and that she needs to re-earn it. Assess the situation.
What happens if a kid steals something?
They should also know that stealing is a crime and can lead to consequences far worse than being grounded, including juvenile detention centers and even prison. If stealing money from a parent, the child should be offered options for paying back the money, like doing extra chores around the house.
Is it normal for a 10 year old to steal?
Lying and stealing are common, but inappropriate, behaviors in school-aged children. While some severe forms of these behaviors can indicate a more serious psychological problem, most of the time it is simply a common behavior that will be outgrown.
What are consequences for stealing?
Legal consequences for theft usually include: Criminal fines, which are usually proportionate to the amount stolen; higher theft amounts may result in greater fines. Jail or prison sentences, which may increase or decrease in severity according to the amount stolen. Restitution for some theft cases.
How do I get my 9 year old to stop stealing?
Ask him how much he would like it if someone stole, for example, his most valuable possession. Your priority should be to help the child understand that stealing is wrong. Exploring possible emotional motivators/causes may help to understand you child’s behaviour and allow you to make adjustments.
What do you do when your 8 year old steals money?
If Your Child Stole Money from You He may do this by helping around the house for money. You should pay him enough that he pays off his debt in about a month. Say to him that you realize he needs more money and give him an allowance or increase in allowance.
What do you do when your 5 year old steals?
Simply acknowledge it (“I see you took the Game Boy”), and let him know that you realize how he feels (“It’s okay to want it and wish it were yours, but it’s not okay to take it”), Wallace suggests. Then find a way to repair the situation — go back to the store or his friend’s house to return the stolen item.
Why does my child lie and steal?
Children may lie if their parents’ expectations of them are too high. Children may lie about their grades if parents assume that they are doing better in school than they really are. If a child is asked why he or she did some bad behavior, the child may lie because he or she is unable to explain the actions.
What do you do when your 10 year old steals?
Tell your child that the stolen article must be replaced, and you need her help in figuring out a plan for replacing it. If necessary, advance her the money to replace it. Work out a payment plan she can handle and deduct it from her allowance each week. Keep a payment record, so she can see how she is doing.