How do I get FMLA for EDD?

1. Obtain a Paper Claim Form

  1. Visit Online Forms and Publications and order a form online. A form will be mailed to you.
  2. Obtain the form from your physician/practitioner or employer.
  3. Visit an SDI Office.
  4. Call 1-877-238-4373. California Relay Service (711) – Provide the PFL number (1-877-238-4373)

Can you get EDD and FMLA?

Yes. If your company is covered by the terms of FMLA and CFRA, your employer may require you to take FMLA and CFRA leave while you’re receiving Disability Insurance or Paid Family Leave benefits.

Does EDD pay for FMLA?

If eligible, you can receive benefit payments for up to eight weeks. Payments are about 60 to 70 percent of your weekly wages earned 5 to 18 months before your claim start date.

Where can I get de 2501F form?

To order the DE 2501F to submit by mail: Visit Online Forms and Publications. Select Keyword(s) or Form Number from the dropdown. Enter DE 2501F and select Search.

How do I apply for FMLA online in California?

Log In to File a New Claim Select the SDI Online button. Select New Claim under the main menu on your SDI Online home page. Select Paid Family Leave Bonding, Paid Family Leave Care, or Paid Family Leave Military Assist and follow the steps in each section to fill out the form.

Can I collect unemployment while on leave of absence in California?

If the claimant files a claim while on a “true” leave of absence, eligibility is based on the reason for the leave. If the claimant on a “true” leave of absence, quits the employment and then files a claim, eligibility is based on the reason the claimant quit the job.

How does CA FMLA work?

Employees in California may take up to 12 weeks of leave in a 12-month period for a serious health condition, bonding with a new child, or qualifying exigencies. This leave renews every 12 months, as long as the employee continues to meet the eligibility requirements explained above.

Where can I get EDD forms?

Getting the form from your physician/practitioner or employer. Visiting an SDI Office. Calling 1-800-480-3287 to request a paper form by mail.

Can you print EDD forms online?

Employers can print and complete the Internet version for submission to EDD.