Is Pemex publicly traded?

Because Pemex isn’t publicly traded, it’s not required to disclose details of its deals.

Is Pemex owned by Mexico?

Petróleos Mexicanos, byname Pemex, state-owned Mexican company, a producer, refiner, and distributor of crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products. It is one of the largest petroleum companies in the world.

Who owns Petroleos Mexicanos?

Secretariat of EnergyPemex / Parent organizationThe Secretariat of Energy is the government department in charge of production and regulation of energy in Mexico, this secretary is a member of the Executive Cabinet.
The current Secretariat of Energy under Andrés Manuel López Obrador MRN is Rocío Nahle García. Wikipedia

Is Pemex owned by BP?

Pemex (a portmanteau of Petróleos Mexicanos, which translates to Mexican Petroleum in English; Spanish pronunciation: [ˈpemeks]) is the Mexican state-owned petroleum company managed and operated by the Mexican government.

Where is Pemex listed?

Pemex – Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

What happened to Teléfonos de Mexico stock?

In 1991, the Mexican government sold its remaining stock in Telmex. Although, Telmex is now a private company, it stills remains as a quasi-monopoly.

Did Pemex buy Shell Deer Park?

A Pemex subsidiary has completed a deal with former 50-50 joint venture partner Shell PLC subsidiary Shell Oil Co. to acquire full ownership of Shell Deer Park Refining LP’s 340,000-b/d refinery in Deer Park, Tex.

What is the biggest oil company in Mexico?

national oil corporation Petróleos Mexicanos
In 2020, national oil corporation Petróleos Mexicanos, commonly known as Pemex, was the leading company in the Mexican oil and gas sector, based on revenue, with nearly 954 billion Mexican pesos generated.

Why is Pemex in debt?

The weak demand represents an embarrassment for debt-burdened Pemex, which has struggled to pay its suppliers in recent years amid high taxes and lackluster production as the refining arm drains resources.

Is Pemex broke?

Pemex, one of the world’s most indebted oil companies, has struggled with 17-years of declining crude production and in 2020 lost its coveted investment-grade rating.

Who owns the phones in Mexico?

Telmex owns 90 percent of the telephone lines in Mexico City and 80 percent of the lines in the country.

How much is Telmex worth?

As of June 2022, Bloomberg Billionaires Index ranked him as the 12th-richest person in the world with a net worth of $78 billion, making him the richest person in Latin America….Carlos Slim.

Carlos Slim Helú
Alma mater Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Occupation Businessman, investor, philanthropist

¿Cuándo fue fundada Pemex?

Petróleos mexicanos fue fundada en 1938 por Lázaro Cárdenas Del Río. Aunque iniciemos con 1938, el inicio de Pemex realmente data de 1933, cuando se organiza Petróleos de México, una compañía que buscaba organizar la producción petrolera mexicana y capacitar a quienes le integraran con el objetivo de crear una red de conocimiento petrolero.

¿Cuándo se creó la empresa Pemex?

El 7 de junio de 1938 se creó la empresa Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex). Pemex debe transformarse y debe modernizarse. Pemex es y seguirá siendo patrimonio de todos los mexicanos”: Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto.

¿Por qué se creó el petróleo mexicano?

Mediante decreto presidencial del 7 de junio de 1938 se creó Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) para llevar el monopolio de la industria petrolera dentro del territorio mexicano, y se le dota de las facultades y recursos necesarios para emprender la exploración, explotación, refinación y comercialización del petróleo y sus derivados.

¿Qué es Pemex y cómo funciona?

Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) es una empresa estatal creada mediante decreto del presidente Lázaro Cárdenas del Río el 7 de junio de 1938 con la finalidad de explorar y explotar los recursos energéticos como gas y petróleo en suelo mexicano. Pemex es la mayor empresa de México, incluso con operaciones en el extranjero.