How do I unlock dragon cinema?

In order to unlock this location and the minigame, you’ll have to reach Chapter 4 and complete the Old Cinema Paradiso substory. For this, head over to E Tsurukame Highway and walk just a bit north. You should notice two NPCs chatting at the entrance. After a brief cutscene you’ll be given the option to watch a movie.

How do you get the dragon TV on Dragon City?

Dragon TV is a feature where you can obtain different rewards by watching videos. The rewards would change daily. Dragon TV can be unlocked after playing for about 1 month.

What is freebies Island in Dragon City?

The Dragon Cinema now known as Freebie Island is a Mobile Only Feature that allows the players to view videos or complete offers like trying another vendors apps in exchange for free food, gold, and gems.

Where is the Dragon TV?

Currently, Dragon TV’s signal covers most of China, including Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas in North America, Japan, Australia, Europe, Worldwide and other countries and regions landing….Dragon Television.

Website (YouTube)

How do you get the dream Dragon in Dragon City 2021 for free?

It’s free, so you don’t need to pay a single cent to access this premium content. Once Dragon City has downloaded to your device, open it up, and you should find that Dream’s dragon has been sent to you as a gift. If you feed Dream’s Dragon up to level 15, then you’ll be able to enter the in-game Dream merch giveaway.

How do you survey on Dragon City?

— Dragon City Help Center….What is a Survey (Freebies) and how can I participate?

  1. Complete your profile (only needed the first time);
  2. Browse the selection of surveys;
  3. Tap a survey based on the expected reward;
  4. Once the survey is completed, you will receive your reward.

How do you breed coins on Dragon City?

To start, these Coins can be earned at random by playing the game during Maze events. Gathering gold, harvesting food and otherwise completing the game’s activities will have a chance of prompting a Coin drop.

Is dragon are real?

While there are no creatures on Earth that can fly and breathe fire, there are huge lizards that are known as dragons. Perhaps the most famous is the Komodo dragon, which can be ten feet long and weigh over 300 pounds.