What is alluded to meaning?
What is alluded to meaning?
Definition of allude to : to speak of or mention (something or someone) in an indirect way I’m interested in hearing more about the technology you alluded to a minute ago.
What is allude example?
The definition of allude is to drop a hint about something, but not go into details or specifics. An example of allude is when a person mentions he needs to make a doctor appointment, but don’t say why he needs to.
How do you use alluded?
Examples of ‘allude’ in a sentence allude
- He has often alluded to it but not told the full story.
- He alluded to something else too.
- Sure, he had compiled a record alluding to something more than competence.
- He also alluded to’considerable downward pressure ‘.
- But he also alludes darkly to’other reasons ‘.
Is allude always followed by to?
Allude is typically, although not always, followed by the preposition to.
What is the synonym of allude?
In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for allude, like: imply, indicate, intimate, hint, insinuate, refer, mention, touch on, infer, point and relate.
What is the noun of allude?
allusion. An indirect reference; a hint; a reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitly mentioned; a covert indication.
Why are allusions used?
An allusion can be used as a straightforward device to enhance a text by providing further meaning, but it can also be used in a more complex sense to make an ironic comment on one thing by comparing it to something that is dissimilar.
What is a antonym for allude?
censor, hush (up), quiet, silence, suppress.
What part of speech is allude?
verb (used without object), al·lud·ed, al·lud·ing.
What is the opposite of allude?
Opposite of to suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly. conceal. halt. hide. prevent.
What does allude mean in reading?
Definition of allude intransitive verb. : to make indirect reference comments alluding to an earlier discussion broadly : refer.
What is the adjective of allude?
allusive. That contains or makes use of allusions (indirect references or hints).