What is the temperature of the Wisconsin River?

Wisconsin River Flow – Temperature Summary
Day Flow Temp
1 2,608 43
2 2,775 43

Does the Wisconsin River flood?

When two to seven inches of rain fell on June 17-18, every major river in Wisconsin flooded; 20 dams were overtopped, broken, or washed away. Crop and soil damage in Wisconsin topped $800 million, residentual damage totaled $46 million, and business losses were estimated at $31 million.

How many dams are on the Wisconsin River?

26 total between its headwaters at Lac Vieux Desert and Prairie du Sac.

What’s the highest elevation in Wisconsin?

1,951.5 feet
The highest point in the State of Wisconsin (at an elevation of 1,951.5 feet) is located at Timm’s Hill in southeastern Price County. The park gate is open 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. approximately May through October.

How fast is the Wisconsin River?

1 to 5 miles per hour
The river current ranges from 1 to 5 miles per hour and can be faster during high water periods. Locally heavy rains can cause the river to rise 2 to 3 feet overnight. Canoeists must always be cautious when using the river and choose campsites with this in mind.

How deep is the Rock river in Wisconsin?

The river generally averages about 15 feet in depth in the main channel, but between Dixon and Sterling, depths may drop to 50 feet.

Has Wisconsin ever had a flood?

+ Statewide Flooding, 1993 When 2 to 7 inches of rain fell on June 17-18, every major river in Wisconsin flooded; 20 dams were over topped, broken, or washed away. Crop and soil damage in Wisconsin topped $800 million, residential damage totaled $46 million, and business losses were estimated at $31 million.

Where is Wisconsin flooding?

River flooding continues across central and eastern Wisconsin. Ponding of water is expected in urban areas, especially where there is poor drainage or blocked storm sewers. Ice jams could lead to additional flooding along rivers.

What way does the Wisconsin River flow?

From its point of origin on the Wisconsin-Michigan border at Lac Vieux Desert, the river flows south, then west to its confluence with the Mississippi, a distance of 430 miles. The Wisconsin River drains 12,280 square miles (7,859,200 acres), or about one third of the state.

What is the hardest working river?

Once known as the “Hardest Working River in the World,” the Monongahela River was responsible for much of Pittsburgh’s early commercial and industrial success—even centuries before it earned that moniker!