How do you set effects on Behringer X32?
How do you set effects on Behringer X32?
There are two places that we can insert effects on the X32, the easiest place is via the Effects section of the console which we would get to by pressing the ‘Effects’ button and then tabbing over to the ‘Home’ tab. The first two rotary knobs on the console are how you change where an effect is inserted.
How many effects does X32 have?
Effects are placed in an effect rack so they can be used to process sound. The X32 has eight (8) effect ‘racks’; the first four effect racks (FX1-FX4) can be ‘side-chain’ effects and the last four effect racks (FX1- FX4) are ‘insert’ effects only.
How many outputs does the X32 have?
Internal Structure. The X32 features a wealth of analogue and digital I/O, including 32 mic inputs, 18 XLR line outs, two sets of 48-channel AES50 outputs, and six analogue auxiliary inputs and outputs.
How do you mix stereo in ear monitors?
Use each player’s instrument/voice as the foundation of their personal monitor mix, then blend complementary sources to taste. Every player will most likely want to hear themselves loudest in their mix at all times. Decide to mix in stereo or mono.
What effects does the x32 have?
There are two categories of effects that the X32 gives us access to, ‘Side-Chain’ and ‘Insert.’ There is a big difference between the two, so let’s jump in and take a look.
How do I Manage my signals on the x32?
Managing your signals on the X32 involves routing and processing. Each channel may be unique, so that means a lot of things can happen at once. To get started, let’s connect a mic and process the signalwith the X32’s channel strip.
How do I make a stage monitor mix on X32?
Create a mix bus for stage monitors Your X32 is excellent at creating aux or stage monitor mixes. On an analog, mixer you would use each channel’s Aux send to send level to another output, but on the X32 they’re called Bus sends. You can create a mix bus after selecting it for an output’s signal source within the ROUTING menu.
How do I change the stereo effects returns on the x32?
With the X32, we have 4 stereo effects returns (which can be changed to 8 mono for advanced routing). The 4 stereo effects returns are defaulted to be the returns of FX Racks 1-4 and can not be changed. A Side-Chain Effect is like one of the following: FX5-FX8: Let’s Insert an Effect!