What is the common name of Holocephali?

Chimaeriformes, commonly known as chimaeras, includes the rat fishes in the genus Chimaera, and the elephant fishes in the genus Callorhinchus….Holocephali.

Holocephali Temporal range: Devonian–Recent
Chimaera monstrosa, a rat fish
Permian † Helicoprion bessonovi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia

Do all chondrichthyes have spiracles?

The spiracle is still found in all cartilaginous fish except requiem sharks, hammerhead sharks, and chimaeras, and is found in some primitive bony fishes (coelacanth, sturgeon, paddlefish and bichirs).

What are the modern fishes?

Modern fishes include an estimated 31,000 species, by far the most of all clades within the Vertebrata. Fishes were the earliest vertebrates, with jawless species being the earliest forms and jawed species evolving later. They are active feeders, rather than sessile, suspension feeders.

Is Holocephali a class?

Cartilaginous fishesHolocephali / Class

Which is the character of subclass Holocephali?

Key Characters of Holocephali Endoskeleton cartilaginous, often calcified. Persistent (unconstricted) notochord; poorly developed vertebrae. Holostylic jaw suspension, i.e., the upper jaw is immovably united with cranium, hence the name holocephali. Teeth united to form crushing plates, devoid of enamel.

Do Holocephali have Placoid scales?

Their tough skin is covered with dermal teeth also called placoid scales or dermal denticles which feel like sandpaper (again, the Holocephali is an exception as the teeth are lost in adults, only kept on the clasping organ seen on the front of the male’s head).

Why do sharks have 5 gills?

Sharks have 5-7 pairs of gill slits located on the sides of their heads. Unlike bony fish, they do not have gill covers. Water must continually flow across these slits in order for the shark to breathe.

What was the first fish?

The first fish were primitive jawless forms (agnathans) which appeared in the Early Cambrian, but remained generally rare until the Silurian and Devonian when they underwent a rapid evolution.

Is Holocephali extinct?

Holocephali (=”complete heads”) is a class of mostly extinct species of cartilaginous fish.

What is a chimera aka ghost shark?

chimaera, (subclass Holocephali), also spelled chimera, also called ghost shark, any of numerous cartilaginous fishes related to sharks and rays in the class Chondrichthyes but separated from them as the subclass (or sometimes class) Holocephali.

What is the difference between Holocephali and Elasmobranchii?

What differentiates Holocephalans and Elasmobranchs? The main differences between these two subclasses are the structure of their gills and how they grow in the embryo. Holocephali has four gill slits with a gill cover (an operculum), while Elasmobranchs have five to seven external gill slits with no gill cover.