Is fast-paced one word or two?
Is fast-paced one word or two?
FAST-PACED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.
Is it fast-paced or fast-paced?
Meaning of fast-paced in English. happening very quickly: It is a myth that all older people struggle with the fast-paced evolution of information technology.
How do you spell fast-paced?
Correct pronunciation for the word “fast-paced” is [fˈastpˈe͡ɪst], [fˈastpˈeɪst], [f_ˈa_s_t_p_ˈeɪ_s_t].
What is another phrase for fast-paced?
expedited, expeditious, fast-tracked, speedy, precipitous, swift, accelerating, fast-, high-speed, prompt.
What is meaning by fast-paced?
: fast-moving an extraordinary story as fast-paced with as much sheer narrative power as any novel of recent years — New York Times.
How do you write a fast-paced scene?
To Speed Up Action Scenes:
- Limit extraneous information.
- Pull your camera in close.
- Keep sentences short and clean.
- Be sharp, short, hard-edged.
- Examples of action scenes that play well quickly:
- Offer setting details.
- Move the camera out.
- Give yourself a bit more room on sentence length.
What is a fast-paced person?
Adj. 1. fast-paced – of communication that proceeds rapidly; “a fast-paced talker”; “fast-paced fiction” fast – acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; “fast film”; “on the fast track in school”; “set a fast pace”; “a fast car”
Can work in a fast-paced environment?
A fast-paced environment is when things are always happening at a rapid pace. Employees who work in this type of workplace often juggle multiple projects or tasks at once and be prepared to take on something new with only a moment’s notice.
What is fast-paced lifestyle?
The exhaustingly fast pace of life promotes overstimulation and overscheduling, which become chronic stressors that lead to behavioural, mood, and attention disorders in a vicious circle.
What is fast-paced?
moving, changing or happening very quickly. a fast-paced thriller. She enjoys working in a fast-paced environment. He’s moved to the country and given up his fast-paced lifestyle.
What is pacing in writing?
In literature, pace, or pacing is the speed at which a story is told—not necessarily the speed at which the story takes place. The number of words needed to write about a certain event does not depend upon how much time the event takes to happen; it depends upon how important that moment is to the story.
Is it “fast paced” or “fast-paced”?
Comparing fast paced or fast-paced is easy. If the words come at the end of the clause, we usually always leave them unhyphenated. In each of these examples, you’ll notice that we’re using “fast paced” as a phrase noun. However, it’s worth noting that this variation of “fast-paced” is slowly being phased out of the language.
Is “fast paced” capitalized in a title?
Unless “fast-paced” is the first word in the title, neither of the words are capitalized in this style. In style two, all words except short propositions, conjunctions, and articles are capitalized, meaning “fast” always is, but “paced” never is (as they’re part of the same word).
Should “fast paced” be hyphenated?
If the words come at the end of the clause, we usually always leave them unhyphenated. In each of these examples, you’ll notice that we’re using “fast paced” as a phrase noun. However, it’s worth noting that this variation of “fast-paced” is slowly being phased out of the language. Most people opt for the hyphenated version no matter what.
What is the pace of something?
The pace of something is the speed at which it happens or is done. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Fast means happening, moving, or doing something at great speed.