What are the stages of cult indoctrination?

Steps To Cult Indoctrination & Control

  • Milieu Control. Control information, communication, and eventually the individual by isolating them.
  • Mystical Manipulation.
  • Purity Demands.
  • Confession.
  • Sacred Science.
  • Loading The Language.
  • Doctrine Over Person.
  • Dispensing Of Existence.

What are the steps to start a cult?

How to Start a Cult

  1. Step #1: Determine Your Difference.
  2. Step #2: Target Extroverts.
  3. Step #3: Love Bomb.
  4. Step #4: Heavy Interaction.
  5. Step #5: Lingo and Icons.
  6. Step #6: The Enemy.
  7. Step #7: Making the Familiar Unfamiliar.
  8. Step #8: I Am a Member.

How do you make a cult in 5 easy steps?


  1. PICK A LEADER. Picture the coolest kid in your high school.
  2. MAKE IT FUN. Could your cult members whip themselves until they bleed, cut their own skin, and then eat those same pieces of skin?

What is the process of indoctrination?

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating a person with ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or professional methodologies (see doctrine).

What is the process of brainwashing?

In the brainwashing process, the agent systematically breaks down the target’s identity to the point that it falls apart. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target’s current environment [source: Britannica].

What qualifies a cult?

A cult is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology. It has a belief system that has the answers to all of life’s questions and offers a special solution to be gained only by following the leader’s rules.

What are the ranks of a cult?


  • Initiation. Most cults have some sort of initiation rite that every member must perform.
  • Disciples. Even after completing his time as an initiate, a cultist is not yet considered a full priest.
  • Mendicants.
  • Priests.
  • Lectors.
  • Warrior Priests.
  • Holy Vocations.
  • Arch Lectors.

How many members do you need to start a religion?

You need at least 3 people to be considered a religion. One person is a thought, two is a discussion, three is a belief.

What are some examples of indoctrination?

Indoctrination means teaching someone to accept a set of beliefs without questioning them. Your sister’s orientation at her new job might seem more like indoctrination if she comes home robotically reciting her corporate employee handbook.

What are the three phases of brainwashing?

Lifton ultimately defined a set of steps involved in the cases of brainwashing studied, roughly dividing them into three stages: breaking down the self, introducing the possibility of salvation, and rebuilding the self.

What are the techniques used in cult recruiting and indoctrination?

In cult recruiting and indoctrination, these techniques include: Deception – Cults trick new recruits into joining the group and committing themselves to a cause or lifestyle they don’t fully understand. Cults mislead new recruits/members as to the true expectations and activities of the group.

How do I start my own cult?

To start your very own cult: 1) Begin by creating your own reality. You do this by keeping your members away from outsiders. An isolated farm in the middle of Idaho is good but if such a retreat isn’t available, impose a form of self-censorship.

What is an example of a cult initiation?

Atkins gives an example of a typical cult initiation ritual with a potential recruit. In the first few interactions, cults will give recruits unwavering acceptance and the feeling of belonging. “They will make you feel special and individual in a way that you are unlikely to have felt before.

What is destructive cult indoctrination?

Cult Indoctrination A destructive cult uses countless techniques to get its members to stay, commit themselves and take part in what may be harmful activities. The sum of these techniques constitutes what some people call “mind control.”