What is a Daisy Bridging ceremony?
What is a Daisy Bridging ceremony?
For girls who are already Girl Scouts, a “bridging” (or bridging ceremony) is a ceremony honoring and celebrating their graduation to the next Girl Scout level. Think Daisy to Brownie, Brownie to Junior, Junior to Cadette, Cadette to Senior, Senior to Ambassador, and even Ambassador to Adult!
What happens at a bridging ceremony?
The girls plan the ceremony—they pick any readings, poems, or songs that they want to say or sing. The girls cross the bridge and if they are [bridging to the next level], they get their new uniform right there. The girls also tell everyone their favorite Girl Scout memory from that level.
What grade do brownies bridge to juniors?
What hints or tips can they share? Attend a council event for Juniors in the spring before fourth grade. Celebrate earning the Bridge to Junior Award with a favorite ceremony from your Brownie Journey—or make up a new one. Then proudly add bridging patches to sashes or vests!
What comes after Brownies in Girl Scouts?
Find Your Girl Scout Grade Level
- Daisies. Grades K-1.
- Brownies. Grades 2-3.
- Juniors. Grades 4-5.
- Cadettes. Grades 6-8.
- Seniors. Grades 9-10.
- Ambassadors. Grades 11-12.
Where do you put the bridging patch?
Bridging patches generally go on the back of the vest or sash. The only exception would be if your Council has a special earned badge related to bridging.
What do daisies need to bridge to Brownies?
Today, each Daisy will cross the Bridge of Enlightenment. She will be presented with her Brownie vest, an annual membership star pin, and a Brownie pin signifying the start of her Brownie adventures. Daisies and leaders march to the bridge.
Why do brownies fly up to juniors?
Why is it called “Flying Up”? Brownie leaders used to be called Brown Owls. When Brownie Girl Scouts moved up to the next level, their Brown Owl would give them one of her feathers so they could “fly” up. Brownie Wings were first used as a symbol of bridging in 1927 and they are still a sign of bridging to this day.
What is the Fly Up ceremony?
“Flying up” is an old Girl Scout tradition that dates back decades. This flying up ceremony includes older Junior Girl Scouts, whether a separate troop or part of a multi-level troop. Girl Scout Brownies assemble in a circle on one side of bridge with their leaders.
What to do for a daisy bridging ceremony?
Our Facebook leaders have a bunch of Daisy bridging ceremony ideas. Lisa writes: Here is an idea for a Daisy Bridging Ceremony, we did a “how to make a batch of brownies” thing with each girl saying an ingredient (1 cup of honesty and fairness, a pinch of responsibility for what I say and do, etc.) as they crossed over the bridge
What to do with Daisy vest when she steps off the bridge?
OPTION: Parents take Daisy vest or tunic off their daughter and replace with Brownie sash or vest when she steps off the bridge. OPTION: Girls renew their Promise and are pinned with the Girl Scout Brownie pin.
What should I get my daughter for her bridging ceremony?
Krystal’s ideas: The bridging ceremony is a great time to reward the girls! You can give them special bridging fun patches or even any fun patches from events you might have been to throughout the year. A goodie bag of patches that will have your girls talking about the experiences they had as daisies.
Who is involved in a Girl Scout bridging award ceremony?
Who:Girl Scout Daisies, their leaders, parents/families, and perhaps the Brownie Girl Scout “sister” or mentor troop that helped the Daisies with their bridging award activities. Ahead of Time:Girls create/make a bridge or other props, and choose the place to have their ceremony.