Where did the term chug a lug originate?

1866, echoic of a working steam engine. As a verb, from 1884. Related: Chugged; chugging. Drinking sense attested by 1940s (chug-a-lug), probably imitative of the sound of swallowing.

What does chug slang mean?

to drink a large amount
(transitive, slang) to drink a large amount (especially of beer) in a single action/without breathing; to chugalug. People usually chant this at the person who is drinking. Chug! Chug!

Whats the definition of lugging?

transitive verb. 1 : drag, pull. 2 : to carry laboriously lugged the bags to the car. 3 : to introduce in a forced manner lugs my name into the argument.

What does it mean to chug something?

verb (used without object), chugged, chug·ging. to drink something in large gulps: to chug on a bottle of beer. noun. a large gulp or swallow: He finished his beer in two chugs.

Where does Chugalug come from?

without pausing.” This “chug” is actually a short form of “chugalug,” meaning the same thing, which is a US coinage dating back to the 1940s. The “alug” in “chugalug” is meaningless, but makes the word perfectly imitative of the sound of someone “chugging” a pitcher of beer (minus the subsequent retching, of course).

What does chugging along mean?

to continue doing something or developing in the same way as before, but very slowly and steadily. The economy is chugging along nicely, there are plenty of jobs, businesses are growing, and prices aren’t out of control.

Where does the term chugging come from?

But the most well-known use of “chug” as a verb is probably to mean “to drink a great quantity (usually of beer, etc.) without pausing.” This “chug” is actually a short form of “chugalug,” meaning the same thing, which is a US coinage dating back to the 1940s.

How do you use lug in a sentence?

  1. Nobody wants to lug around huge suitcases full of clothes.
  2. She began to lug her suitcase up the stairs.
  3. She had to lug the kids around/about/along all day.sentence dictionary.
  4. Do I have to lug those suitcases all the way to the station?
  5. I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor.

What does lugs mean in Scotland?

lugs, lug: ears, ear.

Who wrote chug a lug?

Roger MillerChug-A-Lug / Composer

Is it chugging along or plugging along?

plug along 1. To continue making progress (in some endeavor) at steady, consistent pace, especially in the face of difficulties, challenges, setbacks, etc.