What is Valvate botany?

valvate – margins of adjacent petals or sepals touch each other without overlapping. vexillary – a special type of aestivation occurring in plants like pea; in this type of aestivation a large petal called standard encloses two smaller petals.

What is meant by Valvate?

Definition of valvate : having valves or parts resembling a valve especially : meeting at the edges without overlapping valvate sepals.

What does Polypetalous mean?

Definition of polypetalous : having or consisting of separate petals.

What is the meaning of word Papilionaceous?

Definition of papilionaceous : having a corolla (as in the bean or pea) with usually five petals that include a large upper petal enclosing two lateral wings and a lower carina of two united petals.

What is Valvate and Imbricate?

Valvate: Margins of the adjacent petals touch each other but do not overlap e.g., sepals of Hibiscus. Twisted: Margin of one petal overlaps with the margin of another petal e.g., petals of Hibiscus. Imbricate: There is irregular overlapping of petals e.g., Legumes.

What is Valvate aestivation?

The mode of arrangement of either sepals or petals on the thalamus is called aestivation. Valvate aestivation – when margins of the petals are in contact with each other without any overlapping, it is called valvate aestivation for instance Calotropis. Annona exhibit this type of aestivation.

Which flower shows Valvate aestivation?

Note: Valvate aestivation is seen in the Calotropis plant, imbricate aestivation is seen in Cassia and Gulmohar, and vexillary aestivation is seen in the pea and bean flowers.

What is Valvate Aestivation?

What are Polypetalous flowers?

polypetalous. / (ˌpɒlɪˈpɛtələs) / adjective. (of flowers) having many distinct or separate petalsCompare gamopetalous. Slang.

What is Valvate flower?

valvate Applied to the arrangement (aestivation) of sepals or petals in a flower bud such that these parts meet at their edges and do not overlap. Where they overlap, the aestivation is described as imbricate. A Dictionary of Plant Sciences.