How do you prepare standard solution of Mohr salt?

Mohr’s salt is prepared by adding a small amount of sulfuric acid to water and an equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate. Now, this resulting solution mixture is subjected to crystallisation. After this, we get light green coloured small crystals of Mohr’s salt.

How would you prepare 100 ml of 0.05 M Mohr’s salt solution?

So, dissolving 1.96 g of mohr’s salt in 100ml water will give 0.05 M Solution.

How do you prepare Mohr salt for titration?

Prepare 250 ml of M/20 Mohr’s salt solution by dissolving 4.9 g of Mohr’s salt in water 20 as described in experiment 11.3. Rinse the pipette with the M/20 Mohr’s salt solution and pipette out 20.0 ml of it in a washed titration flask. Rinse and fill the burette with the given KMn04 solution.

How will you prepare 100ml of 0.1 n ferrous sulphate?

Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Solution Preparation

  • Dissolve 40 g of ferrous ammonium sulfate in a previously cooled mixture of 40 ml of sulphuric acid and 200 ml of water.
  • Dilute with sufficient freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 1000 ml.
  • Standardize the solution in the following manner.

Why dilute H2SO4 is added during preparation of Mohr’s salt?

Ferrous ions of Mohr’s salt undergo hydrolysis in aqueous solution. to prevent the hydrolysis, Conc. H2SO4 needs to be added to the Mohr’s salt crystals during the preparation of its standard solution. Another reason is also to prevent the oxidation of Fe2+ ions of Mohr’s salt to Fe3+ions.

What is the formula of Mohr salt?

(NH₄)₂Fe(SO₄)₂·6H₂OAmmonium iron(II) sulfate / Formula

What is the weight of FAS is required to prepare 0.05 n in 100ml SMF?

1×392×100=3. 92g.

What is the weight of FAS is required to prepare 0.05 N in 100 ml SMF?

How do you make 0.1 KmnO4?

Potassium Permanganate 0.1 N: Dissolve 3.3 g of reagent grade potassium permanganate (KmnO4) in 1 L of purified water and heat on a steam bath for two hrs. Cover and allow to stand for 24 hrs.

Why is it necessary to add few drops of conc H2SO4 in the preparation of FAS solution?

The reason why you add sulfuric acid before adding water is that the oxidation of the ferrous ion by dissolved oxygen in water is fast at neutral to high pH. By dissolving FAS in water with no acid added and watching the solution turn a cloudy orange, indicating the formation of ferric Ions.

Why do we add acid during the titration of Mohr salt with KMnO4?

Simplest reason for using sulphuric acid in the preparation of a standard solution of Mohr’s salt in redox titration is to prevent hydrolysis of the Fe2+ ions. Ferrous ions of Mohr’s salt undergo hydrolysis in aqueous solution. To prevent the hydrolysis, Conc.

What is the N factor of Mohr salt?

The ‘n’ factor or conversion factor of Mohr’s salt is -1. Therefore n- factor = 1.