Does Android 18 care about Goku?
Does Android 18 care about Goku?
Because of this, Android 18 has little patience for Goku and his shenanigans. Not only does she think he’s an idiot, but he was (and might still be) her target; though she’d never try to hurt him. Still, that doesn’t mean she won’t give him disapproving scowls whenever she can.
Does Android 18 have a human body?
Android 18 isn’t exactly an android, she’s specifically a cyborg. She was human once but Dr.Gero remodeled her and added cybernetics. Gero left her human enough to conceive a child. And so she did with Krillin. This is actually referenced in DBZ Abridged.
How did 17 survive Jiren?
After trying to self-destruct in order to generate an explosion big enough to stop Jiren’s energy, Android 17 was badly hurt, making the others think he was dead. However, this character is a modified human. The biggest modification he underwent was that they implanted a core of infinite energy inside him.
What is the personality of Android 18?
Like her brother, Android 18 usually displays a cool and confident character, especially in battle, although her sarcastic humor is the most prominent trait of her personality. This is demonstrated when Goku takes notice of her assembly with the Dragon Team at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, leading to the retort “Look, he noticed.
What does Android 17 say to Android 18?
After glaring at 18, Cell starts speaking in Android 17’s voice. Posing as Android 17, Cell tells Android 18 that it is great to be a part of Cell and that it is the only way to be strong, while urging her to let herself be absorbed. 18’s resolve seems to waver, but the damaged Android 16 warns her that it is merely a trick.
How did Android 18 survive the Saiyan Prince’s attack?
Despite the Saiyan Prince landing some decisive blows of his own, Android 18 emerged basically unscathed. Even more, she casually blocks Future Trunks’ sword strike with her bare wrist, causing the mighty steel blade to shatter upon contact.
What happens to Android 18 after the end of Super Perfect Cell?
Krillin immediately comes to her side and tends to her for the duration of the battle and says he is glad to see her face one last time before making the final stand against Cell. After Super Perfect Cell is destroyed by Gohan, Android 18 is taken to The Lookout and she wakes up.